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From the Fiji Islands, Yunan is a Content Writer who sheds light on topics that are relevant to creating a more sustainable planet. He hopes to become an environmental policy advisor in Fiji to see the natural beauty of his country THRIVE. He enjoys playing video games like Overwatch and Apex Legends and used to be part of a hip-hop dance crew in Fiji.
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Consent Form for Participant
HREC Approval Number: H20REA044
Project Title: Assessing the strong sustainability performance of organizational business models
Principal (Student) Researcher: Mr. Mauro Dino Fedeli
Other Researcher(s): Prof. Patrick Danaher, Dr. Anup Shrestha; Dr. Paul O’Brien
I have read the Participant Information Sheet, and the nature and purpose of the research project have been explained to me. I understand and agree to take part.
I understand the purpose of the research project and my involvement in it.
I understand that I may withdraw from the research project at any stage and that this will not affect my status now or in the future.
I confirm that I am over 18 years of age.
I understand that, while information gained during the study may be published, I will not be identified, and my personal results will remain confidential unless I authorize otherwise.
I understand that, I must not disclose information during the project that is confidential, subject to legal professional privilege, or which might amount to a breach of applicable anti-discrimination legislation or rules or principles of legal professional conduct.
I understand that I will be video recorded during the study unless otherwise agreed. I understand that the recording will be kept for back-up purposes. I understand that hardcopy documentation related to me and data collected in electronic form will be stored on a password-protected computer and/or storage device.
Name of participant __________________________________
Signed ___________________________ Date _____________
If you have any ethical concerns with how the research is being conducted or any queries about your rights as a participant please feel free to contact the University of Southern Queensland Ethics Officer on the following details.
Ethics and Research Integrity Officer
Office of Research and Higher Degrees
University of Southern Queensland
West Street. Toowoomba 4350
Ph: +61 74631 2690
Email: ethics@usq. edu.au
Participant Information Sheet
HREC Approval Number: H20REA044
Project Title: Assessing the strong sustainability performance of organizational business models
Principal (Student) Researcher: Mr. Mauro Dino Fedeli
Other Researcher(s): Prof. Patrick Danaher, Dr. Anup Shrestha; Dr. Paul O’Brien
I would like to invite you to take part in this research project which has two key objectives:
a) To develop a science-based sustainability performance assessment tool to guide entities towards a
thrivable future; and
b) To evaluate the effectiveness of the tool by evaluating an operationalized online software implementation
against other relevant approaches.
1. Procedures
Participation in this project will involve being recorded about:
(a) How was your experience regarding the utility of the assessment tool; and
(b) How do you perceive the usefulness of the tool in making decisions compared to other qualitative manual
sustainability assessment methods?
Other important information and procedures about your participation in this research project:
• You will be answering questions based on your expertise in the relevant field (business modeling, management strategy, sustainability metrics).
• The process will involve a session of approximately 60—90 minutes in duration that will be video recorded. Afterwards, you will be able to access the recording so that you can verify the accuracy of its contents and change/add to your responses.
• The video recording and subsequent (partial) transcripts will be kept confidential. Data obtained will be de-identified before they are presented so that your responses cannot be personally identified.
• Please note, however, that, although your responses will be confidential and your responses deidentified before these responses are analysed, you must not disclose information that is confidential, or subject to legal professional privilege. You also must not disclose information that might amount to a breach of anti-discrimination legislation, or of the rules and principles of professional conduct.
• It is hoped that this research benefits participants by giving them early access to sustainability performance tool and measures, and by critically identifying which organizational business models are associated with sustainable enterprises.
• It is further expected that this research will also be of benefit to the wider community by contributing to an understanding as to which business models are more successful than others. It is entirely at your own discretion should you wish to follow the recommendations provided by the tool in order to improve your own endeavours to become more sustainable.
The research has been approved, and will be monitored by, the University of Southern Queensland’s Human Research Ethics Committee. If you have any questions or concerns about the research at any time, you can raise them with the Ethics Officer using the contact details set out below.
2. Voluntary Participation
Participation is entirely voluntary. It you do not wish to take part then you are not obliged to do so. If you decide to take part and later change your mind, you are free to withdraw from the project at any stage. Any information already obtained from you will be destroyed, whilst it remains in identifiable form. Once the data have been de—identified, however, it will not be possible to withdraw the data. To minimise any risk to you, you will be provided with access to the answers, and given the opportunity to verify, clarify and update the same.
Please notify the researcher if you decide to withdraw from this project at any stage. A list of counseling services is provided online and include: Lifelong in Australia; Crisis Services Canada in Canada; La Croix Rouge Ecoute in France; the Samaritans in the United Kingdom; and Samaritans USA in the United States. Further information about the project is available at the website www.blog.strive2thrive.earth.
Should you have any queries regarding the progress or conduct of this research, you can contact the principal
Mr. Mauro Dino Fedeli
School of Management & Enterprise, Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts,
University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba QLD 4350
Contact: +61 419 577 377, email: morris@blog.strive2thrive.earth
If you have any ethical concerns with how the research is being conducted or any queries about your rights as a participant please feel free to contact the University of Southern Queensland Ethics Officer on the following details.
Ethics and Research Integrity Officer
Office of Research and Higher Degrees
University of Southern Queensland
West Street. Toowoomba 4350
Ph: +61 74631 2690
Email: ethics@usq. edu.au