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THRIVE Publishing

“We are the storytelling ape, and we are incredibly good at it.”

Terry Pratchett, The Science of Discworld II: The Globe

Featured Publications

The Jacksons’ Debate

Our debut publication, The Jacksons’ Debate, offers a thought-provoking exploration of interspecies ethics and thrivability.

In this story, an advanced alien race, the Jacksons, face a profound dilemma: Should they consume humans for survival, or uphold the ethical principles they pride themselves on? This novella challenges readers to reflect on broader ethical questions of sentience, cultural bias, and our impact on the planet.

Through humor, The Jacksons’ Debate inspires critical thinking and offers a fresh perspective on our values and biases.

A visionary novel, The Jacksons’ Debate challenges how we perceive and treat other species. Through the eyes of an alien civilisation, this bold narrative compels readers to question ingrained beliefs about animal rights and ethical coexistence. Neves masterfully blends fiction with advocacy, using storytelling to spark meaningful conversations and inspire change.

For those passionate about animal rights and transformative literature, this is a must-read! An eye-opening book that paves the way for a fairer world for animals.

Dr Sabine Brels, Founding Director of World Animal Justice
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Further Reading

Check out some of our other publications for further readings:

Call for Submissions

Thrive Publishing Press is now open for submissions! We are seeking fiction novellas (5,000–40,000 words) that explore thrivability — the next level beyond sustainability.

We’re looking for stories that reflect on how fiction can illuminate new paths toward a better future, exploring themes such as co-existence, ethical dilemmas, circular economies, and human-nature relations.

Submission Guidelines
  • Word Count: 5,000 to 40,000 words
  • Language: Australian/British/Canadian English
  • Theme: Thrivability — fiction that explores ethical, social, and environmental transformations toward a thriving future
  • Deadline: [open]
How to Submit

Please send your submission to with the subject line: [Your Name] — Thrive Fiction Submission

We will be reviewing submissions throughout the admissions period, and our editorial team will select standout works for future publication.

Join us as we use fiction to inspire and drive meaningful change. Let’s explore how storytelling can contribute to a thriving world!


  • THRIVE Publishing

    THRIVE Project is an international, not-for-profit, for-impact organization that has inspired a community and movement towards going beyond sustainability with the vision to place humanity onto the trajectory towards thrivable transformation.