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You can help us on our mission

THRIVE not only offers the latest research, we provide a vast educational resource on sustainability goals and practice with our regular live webinars, podcast series, videos and blog.

Support THRIVE and show the world you mean business. We’re a research group and knowledge base that monitors the earth’s progress towards well defined sustainability goals. 

We provide robust analytical tools that help organisations craft their own sustainability solutions, and in turn benefit from the amazing opportunities these can offer.

As a not-for-profit and for-impact organisation, we are greatly assisted by the generosity of partners who donate services and in-kind support to help us in our work. Any contribution is deeply appreciated.

Contact us to discuss how we can partner on a ‘thrivable’ future.

Thank you.


Help fund our research team to find the best solutions.


Help fund our education efforts to spread the message.


Help us to guide policy on a global scale to achieve thrivability.

Thrive project


Civilization is facing a series of crises – from climate change, loss of biodiversity, pollution, food and water insecurity, social injustice, and now global epidemic. 

We know that business as usual cannot continue. But how do we change our ways? How can ordinary citizens contribute to long-term sustainability? 

Introducing The THRIVE Project, an international, not-for-profit, and for-impact organisation. THRIVE investigates the underlying frameworks and theory which allows us to implement systemic change at a speed, scale, and scope never seen before. 

Using the latest in machine learning, cloud computing, smart contracting, and the internet of things, THRIVE supplies the foundation tools for change.

THRIVE measuring tool

Not just another measuring tool…

Change is both necessary and achievable. 

We can take this opportunity in history to use our vast resources of knowledge and innovation. We can build a society that is not only sustainable, but ‘thrivable’. Best practice not only avoids catastrophe, but aspires to a flourishing economy and society.

There are methods and processes to illuminate the path forward. Methods that will place humanity back on a pathway to thrivability, with well researched and detailed modelling that helps to guide our activities.

The THRIVE Platform tool:

  • Uses transparent and publicly available data on social, economic and natural sustainability factors.
  • Offers a revolutionary tool to measure sustainability practices and make informed choices for organisational transformation.
  • Is science-based, impartial and practical. Driven by the profound desire to pursue prosperity into the 21st century and beyond.

The road to thrivability

In our eight years of working with the best science to hand, in Europe, North America, Asia, and elsewhere around the globe, we have made important inroads at a policy level. Our advice has affected legislation and sustainability practices worldwide. 

Collaborating with NGO’s, including UN research groups and a number of multinational organisations, we are helping to show the way forward. 

Support Us Now


  • Morris Fedeli

    Morris D Fedeli is a semi-retired practitioner and doctoral researcher at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia, with three decades of industry experience in helping organizations achieve success through the application of new emerging innovative business models and technologies. As a pracademic, he offers a unique Australasian perspective, with experience across three continents and degrees in science, business and project management. His research interest and passion lie in sustainable business innovation strategies for a prosperous society and thrivable future.