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THRIVE is not affiliated with any political party. Indeed, we believe in democracy and respect your right to decide for yourself how to order your ballot box.
However, what we will do is provide you with factual information. In fact, we put together the policy platform of the top eleven political candidates for the 2022 Australian Federal Election. Furthermore, we have grouped these by policy area and by party, for your convenience. This is to assist in your decisions with thrivable voting.
The policies are given as stated by each party themselves. However, this may not be reflected in legislation voting practices. To view the track record of how your local representative votes, the website https://theyvoteforyou.org.au/ may be helpful. Also, some of the listed policies are vague, with no indication of how they are to be achieved. Furthermore, for the purpose of this analysis, policies will be treated as though stated in good faith and evaluated according to their merit.
Why have we made this tool? Indeed, most election or political tools rely on asking voters how they feel about policy issues. However, the problem with this is that the framing of the question or the policy itself may lead to incorrect assumptions about the outcomes of the policy.
In conclusion, this is why we’ve tried, where there is sufficient data, to evaluate impact and predict outcomes in our policy analysis.
Hopefully, this will provide Australian voters with the information they need to engage in thrivable voting for the outcomes they want.
Analysing the Issues
Not everyone cares about every single issue. In fact, that’s why we’ve taken the time to break the policies down into policy area. Furthermore, that helps voters compare party policies in the areas that they care most about to engage in thrivable voting.
Also, we’ve shared either our own analysis, or points to consider when making this comparison. Indeed, this analysis is based on the THRIVE framework, using the best available science and data for each policy area.
In fact, not everyone cares about every single issue. As a result, we’ve taken the time to break the policies down into policy area. That helps voters compare party policies in the areas that they care most about. In conclusion, this helps them to participate in thrivable voting.
Also, we’ve included points to consider when making this comparison. In fact, this analysis is based on the THRIVE framework, using the best available science and data for each policy area. Enjoy your thrivable voting!
Managing our natural resources is important. Furthermore, we must consider the effects on our environment and local ecosystems, and also how they may affect things on a global scale.
Also, we need to consider economical impacts, asking questions such as: how much revenue does this resource bring, what jobs will be affected if we stop?
As well, we must consider the social impacts – are there health risks posed by working in this industry, do people feel strongly about remaining in their industry, would this change if they were offered more options?
In fact: none of these issues are black and white, which is why using a holistic model to examine them is so important.
The LNP supports growth in the forestry industry.
Conversely, the Greens oppose it, wishing to stop land clearing and native forest logging. Indeed, part of their reasoning is that logging promotes wildfires.
The United Australia Party would like to explore nuclear activity using our local uranium, and establish downstream processing of minerals in South Australia.
In contrast, the Greens have a long-held stance against nuclear energy. In fact, they would also ban any construction of new coal oil or gas infrastructure. Furthermore, the Greens would further phase out the mining, burning, and export of thermal coal by 2030.
Also, the Animal Justice Party would prevent any fossil fuel consumption, and ban mining operations near the Great Barrier Reef.
Katter’s Australia Party would focus on our resources being used for us before being exported, with a particular focus on Queensland Gas which is famously cheaper to buy overseas than locally.
The Centre Alliance would like to see our natural resources (such as water and gas) that provide utility be owned by the public.
Moreover, Katter’s Australia Party would like to further develop irrigation and dams in North Queensland.
Nonetheless, Labor would more simply like to better manage Australia’s water.
Also, One Nation would build more water dams to increase water security and control and store water.
For each policy area, there are multiple considerations that need to be accounted for when assessing the impact. For example, here are some of the questions we considered in relation to the policies for the Forestry industry.
The LNP wants to focus on forestry as a resource while simultaneously tackling illegal logging. Indeed, there is potential to build a strong economy via the forestry industry. In fact, the forestry industry creates more jobs and in turn incomes.
However, by logging forests there are many environmental impacts. Indeed, trees are considered to be a renewable resource but they take a long time to regrow. Not to mention, there are many impacts when cutting down trees, including: loss of biodiversity, having carbon emitted back into the atmosphere, reduced water filtration (land degradation) and storage, and lastly, increased flooding.
Therefore, expanding the forest industry will have effects on the natural environment regardless if there are plans for rehabilitation. Moreover, having no plans to restore the forest is of course worse for the natural environment.
Conversely, the Greens aim to stop land clearing and native forest logging. Furthermore, in order to ensure people in the forestry industry do not lose their jobs the Greens will create local forestry jobs via tree planting and restoration of damaged forests and habitats. As a result of transitioning previous forestry jobs into forest restoration jobs any individual economic burden is amended.
Indeed, by creating more jobs to rehabilitate forests, trees would become a more expandable renewable resource. Although other environmental factors would still suffer such as loss of biodiversity and water filtration and storage.
In fact, by tackling illegal logging or stopping native forest logging a small amount of environmental impacts will be reduced.
As a note, the Animal Justice Party does advocate for abolishing the forestry industry. In contrast, THRIVE considers it infeasible to completely stop logging based on the amount forestry contributes to Australia’s GDP (AUD$24B as of 2023).
In terms of environmental impact, mining leads to:
Furthermore, all of these impacts can lead to health issues in local populations.
However, the mining industry is a pillar of the Australian economy, contributing 100’s of billions of dollars to the economy. Indeed, with so many jobs and industries reliant on mineral resources, it is difficult to see a sustainable way out without ending mining completely.
Overall, many experts consider mining to be unsustainable economically, socially, and environmentally. In fact, it damages the natural world, creates many health issues, and perpetuates inequality in our economic systems. Therefore, it may not be viable long term.
Furthermore, research and data analysis could provide a more comprehensive analysis of this complicated question.
Most of the renewable freshwater resources in Australia are used for agriculture. Indeed, drought affected regions need reliable water sources, particularly as these areas also tend to rely economically on the agricultural industry. Hence the call for more dams from the rural-focused parties.
So, what are the impacts of dams and water storage reservoirs? In fact, are they a good solution to the problem of water insecurity?
The answer, here, is not really.
Indeed, dams can provide renewable energy, mitigate flooding, and even create beautiful lakes. However, their ability to secure a reliable water supply is limited due to Australia’s climate. Essentially, unpredictable river flows and higher amounts of evaporation make Australian dams less effective than those in other parts of the world.
Dams also might not be as economically viable as previously believed.
In fact, studies have actually shown that “631 recently built hydropower dams were associated with reduced local economy, population, and greenness in areas within 50 km of the dam sites, particularly in the Global South.”
Also, other research states that dams are barely economically viable. In fact, the average cost overrun of dams is 56%. As a result, this can create a large economic burden on local communities.
On top of that, dams are quite damaging to the environment. In fact, they release greenhouse gases, destroy carbon sinks in wetlands and oceans, deprive ecosystems of nutrients, destroy habitats, increase sea levels, waste water, disrupt the regular water supply and displace poor communities. Furthermore, all this heightens the effects of climate change.
Overall, dams are not a good strategy for managing Australia’s water supply.
In conclusion, we have quantified the predicted impact of these policies on a 7 point scale. Our thrivable range is 2-6 with 1 being below the social floor and 7 being above the environmental ceiling.
This policy falls outside of a thrivable range as there are no plans for restoration or rehabilitation. Although they do not plan to emit an excessive amount of damage – damage will still be done and forests will need to be restored. In this case the environmental damage is unsustainable. As a result, it exceeds the environmental ceiling in terms of impact.
Their policy is economically, socially, and environmentally sound. Furthermore, they address all potential issues regarding work (social), environmental impacts (restoration), as well as by being realistic and not banning all logging as there is much economic benefit that comes from the forestry industry.
While their policy is great for the environment, it would have significant negative economic and social impacts. As a result, it falls outside the thrivable range.
Labor’s plan to broaden the national water grid has a lot of potential. However, there is limited evidence to evaluate the effectiveness or sustainability of this plan.
There is insufficient evidence demonstrating the benefits of Katter’s proposed dams when compared to the environmental and social harm. As a result, we have placed this policy at the outer limits of thrivability, within the thrivable zone solely on the basis that renewable energy sources are always better than the alternatives of non-renewable resources.
One Nation also supports building dams. As a result, they have received the same rating as Katter’s National Party. Furthermore, they would ban the sale of water to foreign investors. However, it should be noted that what is sold is generally virtual water. In fact, that means that non-Australian investors purchase the right to use a certain quantity of Australia’s water supply, which gets used in Australia to grow crops or for industrial use. However, One Nation’s objections appear to be based more on economic export rather than any environmental concerns.
Preserving the natural environment is essential for life, including human life, to flourish. However, this must be balanced against people’s quality of life. Thrivable voting is about making choices that aren’t just sustainable, but thrivable.
LNP, Labor, the Greens, Centre Alliance, the Animal Justice Party and the Rex Patrick Team all have statements expressing support for preserving Australia’s natural environment. Conversely, Katter’s Australia Party is the only party to explicitly target Australia’s wildlife as pests to be removed to make way for human expansion. In fact, they wish to make waterways safe from crocodiles and manage flying foxes.
The two major parties, Labor and LNP, show soft support for protecting the environment. Furthermore, the LNP would fund protection for the great barrier reef and restore habitats for koalas.
The Animal Justice Party has the most policies regarding environmental protection. In fact, they would establish a Commonwealth Environment Commission, improve protections for the Great Barrier Reef, legally recognise the Rights of Nature, invest in biodegradable products, and introduce habitat protection as a fundamental planning principle across Australia.
The Greens would also like to strengthen Australia’s Environmental Protection Laws and stop the extinction crisis by 2030. Indeed, they propose to save the Great Barrier Reef through grants, restore wildlife habitats by planting 2 billion trees, expand our marine protected areas, and generally replenish and restore our natural environment.
The Rex Patrick Team would like to protect the Murray-Darling river and stop drilling in the Great Australian Bight.
All of the above parties have policies that are very vague but do state an intention to protect the natural environment. Furthermore, the lack of specific plans to enable these policies may create the impression that this is a greenwashing tactic and not a high priority.
The Greens plan to create and transform jobs from the older industries into environmental industries. Furthermore, this is a policy that is both economically and environmentally feasible.
The Animal Justice Party has an environmentally sound policy. However, it may be a little too idealistic. Indeed, by protecting so many areas and creating harsh environmental laws, there is little room to access resources societies want to have readily available. In fact, this will also abolish many jobs and economies for industries that rely on resources. As a result, without a plan to transform the economy along with the environment – the economy may collapse.
Katter’s policy has no interest in preserving the environment. Indeed, Katter’s claims of the severity of issues such as crocodile attacks on humans have also been disproven. In fact, crocodiles have an important role in maintaining environmental balance within natural ecosystems. Furthermore, focused culling of any species can have significant consequences on local biodiversity and food webs. As a result, these impacts create a domino effect which would eventually affect our own resources.
How we generate power is a hot issue in Australian politics. In fact, all major parties recognise the need for reliable energy to maintain our standards of living. The main argument, then, is whether to continue using fossil fuels such as coal and gas or whether to transition to renewable energy sources. Renewables or non-renewables, which is the right answer when engaging in thrivable voting.
These are the parties which support expanding Australia’s use of fossil fuels, by building more coal-fired power plants and rejecting the renewable energy industry. However, they would also support investment in nuclear power.
These parties believe we need energy from fossil fuels in the medium term but support an eventual move to cleaner energy sources.
These parties believe we need to pivot hard towards renewable energy sources.
We have spoken a lot about the importance of transitioning away from fossil fuels, as well as the urgency of the situation. Indeed, the evidence is clear that fossil fuels are unsustainable, both environmentally and economically. In fact, renewable energy is necessary to mitigate climate change damage. Furthermore, renewable energy represents fantastic economic opportunities as the world moves away from fossil fuels. The only way to thrive is if we pivot hard towards producing and consuming renewable energy sources.
Here are some of the articles we have produced analysing these topics. These articles should clarify information so that when you engage in thrivable voting you are making an informed decision.
Fossil Fuels: Fossil Fuel Subsidies
Wind Energy: Advantages and Disadvantages of wind energy
Solar Energy: Solar PV
Nuclear Energy: Going nuclear. Public perception of nuclear power. Is nuclear energy safe?
Energy Storage: New ways to store energy
Renewables around the world: Iceland uses 100% renewable energy. Orkney Islands. Renewable energy in Spain
Net Zero emissions by 2030 are the bare minimum we need to limit global warming to 1.5c. However, Australian political parties have a wide range of stances on this issue. Thrivable voting is about choosing the party with the policies that address the climate crisis in a timely manner.
The LNP believes we are already on a path to achieving Net Zero by 2050, and don’t believe any change in strategy is needed.
Labor’s plan is to reduce Australia’s emissions by 43% by 2030, and maintain that trajectory to achieve net zero by 2050.
The Rex Patrick Team also intends to commit to a net-zero by 2050 strategy.
The Greens are more ambitious, aiming for a 75% reduction by 2030, and achieving net-zero emissions by 2035. In fact, part of their plan revolves around phasing out petrol and diesel cars and legislating vehicle pollution standards. The Animal Justice Party aims to rapidly transform to a carbon-free energy infrastructure.
Opposing these approaches are Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party and the United Australia Party. In fact, PHON believes that climate change is a hoax and rejects any evidence or advice from the UN IPCC. Furthermore, they would like to withdraw form the UN Paris Agreement. Also, the UAP claims that net zero leads to zero jobs and zero future for Australians.
The Greens and AJP would like to reduce plastic waste. In fact, the AJP supports banning plastics outright, while the Greens would phase out single-use plastic and support a global plastic treaty.
Furthermore, the AJP would like to stop all food and clothing waste from retailers. Indeed, they would like to invest in enterprises which are reducing and reusing waste.
Also, the Greens supports a right-to-repair initiative to minimise e-waste.
Katter’s Australian Party wants to increase biofuels and increase the ethanol mandate by 10 per cent by 2025.
Australia is not doing enough to lower emissions. Furthermore, there is a need for change and there are many sources proving that. In fact, Australia needs an overall strategy for lowering emissions, as we are not currently meeting targets. Indeed, the current government does not have a target which is worrisome. Relying on ineffective carbon capture techniques or technology that does not exist yet, is not a thrivable solution.
Labor has an ambitious policy to lower emissions by 43% although their policy outline seems more intent on casting blame for the current situation than explaining how they will achieve this goal. Furthermore, while the plans to invest more in renewable energy is admirable, in terms of emission reduction, Labor’s plan relies on ineffective carbon credits schemes.
The Rex Patrick Team is very firm on the need for a national plan for achieving net zero. However, as a minor party, they do not have specific policies on what this plan would entail, making it difficult to assess. In fact, their score is less environmentally sound based on having a target of 2050 for achieving Net Zero, without emission targets for the intervening years.
The Greens have a well laid out specific plan to achieve Net Zero by 2035. In fact, by phasing out greenhouse gases and moving towards renewable energy, the government would transition the economy along with it. Furthermore, investing in this newer industry would provide surety for job security and the national economy.
The Animal Justice Party has environmentally friendly policies that include somewhat vague plans for cutting greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, AJP expresses some disdain for interim targets. In general, AJP oppose many proposed emissions reduction strategies, based on environmental impacts and uncertainties around longevity. Furthermore, they do not have their own proposed solutions, and their overall strategy suggests a low priority for social and economic impacts for people.
In terms of other pollution, AJP proposes reducing waste through repurposing and donations. There are social, economic as well as environmental benefits when recycling clothing and food.
Rejecting the reality of climate change and pulling out from the UN Paris Agreement will have adverse effects on the natural environment including extreme weather events, and destruction of resources and farmlands. As a result, this will negatively affect the economy and Australia’s well-being. In fact, implementing these policies would lead to climate disaster.
Tackling climate change is an extremely important issue. In fact, we are in a critical decade to take climate action. Indeed, this election cycle may determine our future – and decide whether Australia has one. Thrivable voting means to take the following policies into consideration when finalising your decision on who to vote for.
The LNP have stated that they believe the climate crisis will be resolved through technology. However, it is important to note that this technology does not currently exist. In fact, the LNP has policies that impact climate change including funding growth in the mining sector, increasing gas supply, and better management for radioactive waste from nuclear medicine.
Labor intend to improve Australia’s disaster readiness through strategic investments and reducing our carbon emissions.
The Greens would increase funding for emergency services and monitoring organisations such as the Bureau of Meteorology to better predict and respond to climate impacts.
Katter’s Australian Party would like to reduce vegetation management laws. Currently, native vegetation is protected by law and cannot be cleared without a permit. This is to protect native species, but can impact bushfire management.
The Rex Patrick Team would like to see more climate action taken. Furthermore, they would improve bushfire preparations, and push for better environmental protections.
The Animal Justice Party has many policies related to climate action and awareness, particularly as they relate to biodiversity and habitat protection. In fact, they would like to see better labelling of products and education programs to raise awareness of environmental issues. Furthermore, they support any research, legislation and investment into initiatives that support animal wellbeing and preserve natural habitats. Moreover, this extends to banning animal agriculture and fossil fuels entirely. Ideally, they would see half the Earth set aside for the wild, untouched by humans.
One Nation believes that climate change is a hoax. In fact, they would reverse all current action pertaining to climate change, including withdrawing from the UN Paris Agreement.
The Centre Alliance would focus on water management and farming. This includes:
Tackling climate change is vital, and that includes managing the impacts. In fact, the cost of inaction is far greater than the cost of implementing climate change policies.
Without change, we will see:
Climate change affects our ability to survive, so we must have social, economic, and environmental goals to tackle the problem holistically.
Pauline Hanson’s One Nation does not believe in Climate Change and would like to withdraw from the UN Paris Agreement. As a result, neglecting to address climate change will result in serious consequences for Australia including increase in severe weather events.
Furthermore, this would affect businesses, housing, food supply, and the well-being of all Aussies.
The LNP plans to grow unsustainable industries such as mining and forestry. Moreover, they do not have plans to reduce emissions and have shown themselves unwilling to support communities impacted by catastrophic events. In fact, the LNP’s policies will have short-term economic benefits, but in the long term the harm from these events, such as food and water insecurity, and damaged infrastructure will be devastating to Australians.
The Labor party plans to reduce emissions through ineffective carbon offsetting schemes. Also, they continue to support unsustainable mining practices and Australia’s reliance on fossil fuels. That said, they do have plans to mitigate the impacts of climate change which puts them just in the thrivable zone.
The Centre Alliance plan to allow easier access to taxpayer funded research towards renewable energy and climate change. Indeed, this is useful in tackling and addressing climate change. Furthermore, they would also like to invest in agriculture. In fact, our current agricultural practices do contribute to climate change and thus a shift to sustainable agriculture is necessary.
These are realistic steps in the right direction toward solving the climate crisis but unfortunately it is not enough. However, this policy is not very ambitious.
Similarly, Katter’s Australian Party would like to reduce vegetation management laws. Indeed, if vegetation laws are reduced, farmer’s will be permitted to clear vegetation from their property without consideration for preserving native flora and fauna. Moreover, this may help with mitigating the effects of climate change such as increased bushfires, but would also negatively impact biodiversity. In fact, there is also a risk that reduced regulation may result in increased unsustainable agricultural practices.
More data is required to fully evaluate the impacts of this policy. As a result, it is on the edge of the thrivable zone due to the potential for harm.
To address the climate crisis the Greens plan to remove gas, oil and coal money from politics. In fact, they intend to implement a carbon price to ensure polluters pay for their damage towards the environment. In fact, carbon taxes allow for a more efficient economy.
By lowering carbon emissions via a “polluters pay” scheme – less greenhouse gases will be emitted into the atmosphere.
The Greens would also like to increase funding in emergency services to ensure people’s safety during weather events. Furthermore, this has the potential to ensure people’s economic security as well as mental and physical health when catastrophic events occur.
Moreover, they wish to fund organisations that predict impacts and plan for catastrophic events is to invest in people’s safety and overall well-being. Indeed, this could create more job opportunities. Therefore boosting the economy.
The Greens policy is very sustainable. However, it may be a little idealistic as it requires a lot of funding and investments towards green energy. That being said, implementing strict carbon taxes may aid in funding.
Rural Australia will likely bear the brunt of climate change impacts. Thrivable voting means to vote with the view of protecting our nation’s outback.
One Nation wants to control foreign investment in agricultural land by limiting sales to foreign investors, implementing a 25-year land tenure, and reviewing Foreign Investment Review Board applications for agricultural land affected by expiring Free Trade Agreements. Furthermore, they aim to support Australian farmers during droughts and other natural disasters.
Centre Alliance has a multifaceted agenda, which includes boosting investment in agriculture, enhancing food security, enacting more stringent regulations to safeguard farmers who wish to maintain GMO-free crops, promoting investment, tourism, and immigration to regional Australia through various incentives, and encouraging population relocation to sparsely populated regional areas.
UAP want to stimulate economic growth in rural areas by stimulating 20% tax concession incentive to people that live more than 200 kms from a capital city
The Animal Justice Party seeks to promote reforestation by reducing grazing, allocate resources towards the advancement of animal-friendly clean technologies, request a report from the NHMRC on the status and possibilities of cultured meat, dairy, and egg products, and halt all land clearing activities linked to animal agriculture.
The Greens have outlined several key objectives, including collaborating with farmers to enhance carbon sequestration practices on their lands, reinstating Carbon Farming Futures grants, establishing a sustainable agriculture research center to assist farmers in transitioning to environmentally-friendly farming methods, advocating for organic certification and consumer education, and fostering the growth of local hemp, cannabis, and seaweed farming industries. Indeed, these goals reflect their commitment to sustainable farming practices and environmental stewardship.
Katter’s Australian Party wants to support Rural Australia and Regional Queensland by offering incentives to mining and agriculture, reducing fees for rural pubs, and advocating for property rights. Furthermore, they propose creating a separate state in North Queensland and supporting fair pricing for dairy farmers through the Fair Milk Logo Scheme.
The Rex Patrick Team want to stand for regional South Australia, keeping jobs in SA. Furthermore, they want a thorough reevaluation of the proposed sites in Kimba and Hawker for the national radioactive waste management facility is essential. Indeed, this should include a comprehensive and respectful examination of the Indigenous cultural and heritage aspects associated with these locations.
Most parties seem to recognise that the housing situation in Australia is dire. In fact, the LNP, Labor, Greens, Animal Justice Party, and United Australia Party all have policies aimed to generally expand housing and home ownership. However, there is some variance in their approach to tackling this issue. Thrivable voting means making a decision that is for Australia’s highest good.
The LNP wishes to strengthen the home guarantee scheme to make purchasing homes more affordable. Also, they wish to encourage people to move into rural areas.
Labor would implement a “help to buy” or a shared equity scheme, cutting the cost of buying a home by up to 40%.
The Greens have a more explicit plan that builds new, sustainable houses to increase supply, most of them specifically for public housing. Furthermore they want to end homelessness, which the Animal Justice Party expresses support for. However, the Animal Justice Party would restrict any new housing developments that destroy the habitats of animals such as koalas. Also, they would change building standards to cater to both human and animal needs, such as integrated nesting/housing.
The United Australia Party’s approach is to control the banks, restricting interest rates to 3%. In fact, this is similar to the Centre Alliance’s plan to reduce red-tape and taxes to stimulate cost-effective housing construction. Indeed, both the United Australia Party and the Centre Alliance wish to prevent foreign investors from entering the Australian housing market.
We can probably agree that everyone having somewhere to live is a social good. But we also recognise that there are finite resources in terms of land, building materials, builders, funds to pay for all of these.
Health is wealth. Without health we can not contribute to society. Indeed, it is crucial for people to get timely healthcare. Furthermore, we are heading into a future where there are long waiting lists. The medicare gap is increasing and some doctors are no longer bulk billing. Healthcare is a key consideration of thrivable voting.
The LNP seeks to make life-saving diabetes devices accessible, strengthen Medicare, provide better access to medicines and vaccines, improve healthcare for women and Indigenous communities, invest more in rural health, simplify private health insurance, prepare for pandemics, prioritize mental health and suicide prevention, enhance preventive healthcare, and lead in medical research. Indeed, their goal is to enhance overall healthcare in the country.
Labor plans to create a Strengthening Medicare Fund with $750 million over the next few years, starting with $250 million per year from 2023-24. This fund aims to improve patient care by making it easier to access general practitioners, especially after hours, lowering healthcare costs, offering better support for chronic conditions, and reducing the strain on hospitals. In fact, this policy reflects Labor’s commitment to enhancing the healthcare system for all. However, there is a lot left neglected.
The Greens have put forward a broad set of proposals to improve healthcare and mental health services. In fact, they want to address the factors affecting health, keep Medicare universal, and integrate health into government policies. Furthermore, they aim to plan healthcare systematically, fund prevention, and simplify access to primary care. Moreover, the Greens emphasize transparency, community support, and research investment. Also, they seek to ensure equitable access for all and improve the health of First Nations communities.
In mental health, the Greens aim to address root causes, eliminate stigma, and provide universal access to free services. Furthermore, they stress person-centered care, community involvement, and better support for those affected by suicide. In fact, the Greens advocate for research, training, data collection, and mental health support in workplaces. In conclusion, their goal is to make mental health services more accessible and effective for everyone.
Australia’s Healthcare System and Health Policies
Australia has a good healthcare system and health policy which play a pivotal role in citizens’ lives, ensuring access to a wide range of quality healthcare services through its known Medicare scheme. Medicare has been effective in providing healthcare access to the Australian population. It ensures that essential healthcare services are available to everyone, reducing financial barriers.
But in the 21st century, Australians are less healthy than they were ten years ago. Despite many achievements, certain health indicators such as the rates of chronic diseases, obesity, cancer, mental health illness and other morbidities have worsened over time. These remain the subject of debate among politicians, policy makers and the general public. For example, 1 in 2 Australians have a chronic disease and 1 in 3 have two or more chronic diseases.
The existing challenges in the healthcare system may stem from the health policies implemented thus far, resulting in a complex system. This complexity is evident in Australia’s healthcare funding arrangements, which are mainly decided by major political parties that impact not only individual health but also the overall well-being of the nation. This underscores the crucial role of health policy in shaping both health and well-being outcomes.
Health Policy and Political Influence on Healthcare and Well-being
Understanding the healthcare policies of major political parties is essential to comparing their level of commitment to tackling the existing challenges in the healthcare system and to going beyond traditional approaches. Let’s delve into the healthcare policies of major Australian political parties, focusing on the Australian Labor Party (ALP), the Liberal Party of Australia (Liberal), and the Australian Greens.
Accessibility and Equity
Accessibility and equity are cornerstones of a healthcare system. The ALP place strong emphasis on equitable access to healthcare, advocating for universal healthcare through Medicare. The strong emphasis on accessibility and equity of care agrees with the principle of equity and resolving healthcare disparity. The ALP supports and champions the Medicare system, which provides access to essential healthcare services for all citizens regardless of their income or background. It has also approved $2.3 billion package to improve cancer services. Yet, ALP criticised for ‘playing favourites’ in infrastructure spending which potentially affect healthcare access and equity.
The Liberal Party (Coalition) promotes choice and competition within the healthcare system. The Labor Party prioritises accessible and expert care within the public hospital system, with a strong commitment to equitable healthcare through doubling funding (from $13.3 billion in 2012/12 to $27.2 billion 2022/23) for public hospitals with further growth projected to reach $32.7 billion by 2025-26. However, unlike ALP, Liberal Party supports universal access, encourages private health insurance to ensure accessibility to healthcare which may exacerbate disparities, as it favours people from the wealthiest quintile have access to better services. Yet, neither the ALP nor the Coalition are proposing dental healthcare accessibility for the community.
The Australian Greens advocate emphasise a strong public healthcare system to ensure equitable access and minimise disparities. This commitment is reflective of their strong focus on equity of healthcare that all citizens access high-quality healthcare services. Unlike the ALP and the Coalition, the Greens propose free dental and mental health care for all, irrespective of income. However, the Greens have been criticised that sole responsibility of the public sector to provide healthcare service could lead to inefficiencies and lowest private insurance rebate may negatively affect timely access to healthcare services.
Access to healthcare services for Indigenous and Australians from migrant backgrounds is disproportionately influenced by political and policy decisions. However, the national agreement of politicians and policy makers, “Closing the Gap” initiative – where health and wellbeing is one of the targets, could improve the inequalities in disease burden and wellbeing among Indigenous and highly disadvantaged groups of population.
Affordability and Quality
Affordability and quality are vital aspects of healthcare. In recent years, healthcare in Australia has become increasingly unaffordable to the point where many Australians pay out-of-pocket to cover their medical bills. This could be down to the health insurance crisis being driven by political predisposition to private health insurance.
Sustainable funding of health care is also a challenge ahead, rising health costs represent an obstacle to future reform. The Albanese Government has committed $580 billion for four years ($101.0 billion in health, $36.0 billion in aged care and $563.1 million in sport). This would have a positive impact on healthcare affordability and quality of care. The ALP has also promised $135 million to trial of ‘urgent care clinics’ (over 4 years) to increase affordability of care that could help families save an average of $340 for two years making private healthcare more affordable. However, ALP refuses to look at making access to dental care affordable.
In addition to both endorsing the 10-Year Primary Health Care Plan, the Coalition and ALP have also committed to making prescription medicines more affordable. The Greens are committed to boost the quality of healthcare by funding team-based for people with chronic conditions. They allocated an extra $114 billion to public hospitals and community health services. It is only the Australian Greens that has made explicit commitment to increase income support payments and minimise poverty. The Liberal Party stresses reducing the cost of healthcare through private insurance incentives. They argue that this approach fosters competition and drives quality improvements. However, critics contend that this may lead to a two-tiered healthcare system, with disparities in quality and access.
Prevention policies and Sustainability
The overall political commitment (as reported during the 2022 election) for the three major parties in Australia on major healthcare policies is shown in the following diagram.
Source: Election 2022 Scorecard
On top of their emphasis on different healthcare strategies and disease prevention programs, political parties should also highlight the aspects of healthcare sustainability based on available evidence. For example, Heenan et.al., (2023) summarised Australia’s political engagement on health and climate change. A series of extreme weather events and natural disasters in Australia have had devastating immediate and long-term health risks associated with climate change effects. Australia is lowest in the Climate Change Performance Index, signalling a lack of adequate action. In 2021 and 2022 there was limited parliamentary and government action related to climate change and health. Urgent and sustained political engagement is imperative to address the health impacts of climate change in Australia.
Corporate interests and political ideologies have played a role in shaping Australia’s climate policy, often undermining meaningful action. The Labor Government, with the support of the Greens, Independents and select Liberal MPs, has passed new climate legislation with emission reductions targets: the Climate Change Act 2022 and the Climate Change (Consequential Amendments).
The key arguments around education revolve around funding and curriculum. Furthermore, funding includes the question of private vs public funding for schools, teacher salaries, and education costs for students. Whose policies cover this are vital for thrivable voting.
The LNP does not address these issues in their policy plan.
Labor and the Greens would increase funding for public schools, with the Greens specifically decreasing the funding given to private schools. Also, the Greens would increase teachers pay.
In terms of costs to students, Labor and the Greens would offer free TAFE. Moreover, the Greens and the United Australia Party would also offer free university, and wipe out HECS debts.
Many parties have different proposals on what to teach students in the national curriculum. The Liberal Democratic Party would go so far as to not have a national curriculum or standardised testing at all. The Greens would like more arts education. The Animal Justice Party would like schools to teach children ethics, with an emphasis on environmental issues and animal rights. Also, they support age appropriate sex-ed. In contrast, One Nation wants to restrict education to the basic principles of literacy and numeracy.
The decision of which research initiatives to fund is largely determined by the government. Naturally, each party has different ideas on which topics should receive this funding.
The Greens would research waste avoidance and reduction, and preventative programs to tackle gender equality.
The Centre Alliance would invest more in researching renewable energy and climate change. In fact, they would research the long-term health and environmental impacts of GMOs. Furthermore, they would also regularly update gambling research. Moreover, they would increase research funding, in general, to be on par with other countries.
The Animal Justice Party would fund research on potential symbiotic relationships between humans and animals to improve society.
Important points to cover when considering thrivable voting:
Inequality is a broad concept that impacts many Australians. We’ve broken down this section into several policy areas that address issues relating to inequality. Policies on inequality and how the parties intend to restore balance are important when focused on thrivable voting.
Labor wants to protect all Australians from discrimination.
Furthermore, the Greens want equality and justice for all and to eliminate racism. In fact, to achieve this they want anti-racism training for all federal MP’s. Moreover, they would provide grants to community organisations to tackle structural racism and fund national anti-racism campaigns. In fact, the Greens want to make hate speech illegal, establish a federal multicultural commission that allows dual citizens to run for federal office.
The Animal Justice Party would promote a kind and culturally-diverse human community through tolerance, social connectivity and inclusion.
The Greens want to end animal cruelty, ban the live export of livestock, end factory farming, end gambling industries promoting horse and greyhound races, ban the import/export of shark fins, and establish an Independent Office of Animal Welfare.
The Centre Alliance wishes to ensure animals are treated according to Australian animal welfare standards while also processing and exporting chilled meat.
Katter’s Australian Party wants to keep waterways safe from crocodiles and manage flying fox populations.
The Animal Justice Party has the most policies relating to animal rights. In fact, they would amend state-based animal welfare legislation to include an enforceable duty of care towards animals on a landholder’s property during all land use changes.
Labor wants to treat older Australians with more respect.
The Centre Alliance and the Greens would improve aged care.
Furthermore, the Centre Alliance would encourage and deliver affordable, comfortable, well-maintained retirement and aged care accommodations.
Labor and Centre Alliance wants to support women and end domestic and sexual violence
One Nations intends to create a fairer Australian family law system to support the children rather than the ex-partner. Furthermore, they intend to advocate for the rights of the grandparents relationship with the grandchildren when the parents do not get along with the grandparents.
The Greens have a broad agenda to tackle important issues. In fact, they want to stop family and domestic violence, close the gender pay gap, and help organizations fighting violence against women and children. Furthermore, they suggest 10 days of paid leave for domestic violence, training for MPs to prevent inappropriate behavior in parliament, and funding for programs promoting healthy relationships in schools. Also, they aim to strengthen the Australian Human Rights Commission, support Working Women’s Centres across the country, and back policies like paid parental leave and free childcare.
The Animal Justice Party has a plan to address domestic violence and animal cruelty. Also, they want to investigate the link between slaughterhouse work and family violence, expand shelters for victims with children and pets, create a national register for offenders, and make it easier for victims to protect their pets during divorce. Furthermore, they propose mandatory reporting for veterinarians who suspect abuse and better cooperation between agencies to combat violence.
Pauline Hanson’s One Nation wants to raise the Work Bonus scheme by $100 per week, allowing pensioners to earn up to $13,000 a year without affecting their pension (currently $7,800 per year). Also, they believe that people should have lived and worked in Australia for at least 15 years before getting pension benefits. Furthermore, they are against increasing the age of entitlement to 70 years.
The Liberal Democratic Party promises freedom from COVID alarmism.
The Greens want to tackle inequalities to reduce poverty rates.
The Rex Patrick Team aims to assist the Robodebt victims.
Labor wants to genuine partnerships with Indigenous Peoples for better outcomes.
Katter’s Australia Party intends on supporting the First people of Australia by allowing better title rights for land and an alcohol management plan
Centre Alliance aims to support Indigenous Australians by involving them in policy development, acknowledging their historical importance as the nation’s first inhabitants, and providing funding to reduce disparities with non-Indigenous Australians. Furthermore, they want to provide funding that protects both Indigenous and non-Indigenous land.
The Greens have a comprehensive plan that focuses on achieving justice and unity for First Nations people. In fact, this plan includes creating a commission to investigate historical and ongoing human rights abuses and developing treaties to lay the foundation for Australia’s future while raising awareness. Also, it emphasises community-led First Nations services, compensation for Stolen Generations Survivors, cultural heritage protection, and returning land to First Nations management for sustainable jobs. Additionally, the plan calls for legal system reforms, increased funding for Indigenous ranger programs, and support for early learning through community-controlled services for First Nations children.
Labor wants to give younger Australians a voice.
Centre Alliance aims to prevent cyberbullying in schools.
Corruption is a huge problem in Australia, from every level and in every sector. Indeed, it is the hidden enemy of the people. Furthermore, corruption in the government and public sector pollutes our society, its foul stench oozing to darken our beautiful land. Thrivable voting is crucial to cleansing our nation from this scourge.
Labor wishes to restore Australia’s trust in its government without any firm policy to address the corruption.
The Jacqui Lambie Network objectives include eradicating corruption through increased scrutiny, promoting clear and transparent policy communication, and advocating for transparency in political funding.
Centre Alliance hopes to change competition laws to allow for the break-up of companies that abuse their market power in their dealings with farmers. Furthermore, they want anti-corruption commission and whistleblower legislations that protects informants
The Rex Patrick Team seeks to strengthen Australia’s Freedom of Information (FOI) system for enhanced transparency and accountability while advocating for the disclosure of political donations in political parties, regardless of the donation amount. Additionally, they aim to make background checks mandatory for incoming ministers to address foreign espionage and political interference and establish full parliamentary oversight over intelligence operations.
The Greens want to combat corruption. They want to diversify the media landscape, prevent misinformation, and protect journalists. Also, they aim to remove financial influence from coal and gas industries in politics and establish anti-corruption measures, including whistleblower protections, while preventing politicians from misusing grants. Furthermore, their goal is to ensure transparency and accountability in governance.
Labor wants to protect the ABC & SBS. Furthermore, they wish to build an effective public sector.
The Greens aim to restore a number of public service jobs, lift wages by 4%, limit outsourcing to labour hire firms, and allow public servants to run in elections and participate in debates. Furthermore, they want jobs to move from private to public sectors.
Pauline Hanson’s One Nation wants to give the people the power when it comes to calling a referendum. Furthermore they support responsible gun ownership.
The Animal Justice Party aims to increase citizen participation in environmental decisions.
The Rex Patrick Team is all about the rights of people in South Australia.
The Greens want politics for the people as do the Jacqui Lambie Network. Furthermore, the JLN intends to support citizen access and participation in political decisions.
The Liberal Democratic Party’s priorities include introducing recall elections, allowing citizens to veto laws, and making voting voluntary. Also, they want to eliminate laws like Section 18C and oppose internet censorship, digital identity laws, mass surveillance, and government hacking. Furthermore, they aim to protect encryption, shift surveillance laws to states, require warrants for targeted surveillance, and fight against cash restrictions. Additionally, they focus on enhancing government cybersecurity and advocating for Julian Assange’s release. Finally, they want free speech and a free speech constitutional amendment: “Parliament shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
The Centre Alliance wants to allow citizens timely access to government information and the ability to criticise the government and demand change. Furthermore, they aim to enhance FOI laws.
The United Australia Party seeks to promote free speech, restore Section 92 of the Australian Constitution to end lockdowns, and emphasise various freedoms, including speech, religion, fear, and association.
Katter’s Australia Party wants to ease vegetation laws, allow farmers access to certain firearms, and establish a real-time licensing system.
Both the United Australia Party and Liberal Democratic Party want to end COVID lockdowns.
Furthermore, the UAP wishes to abolish the national cabinet, as it is unconstitutional, and respect the Australian Constitution and Rule of Law.
The LDP wants freedom from all surveillance and an immediate end of all government enforced COVID restrictions.
The Animal Justice Party intends to run public education campaigns highlighting the social and environmental harm caused by gun use.
The Centre Alliance will restore fair and efficient delivery of government services to the Australian public.
The Rex Patrick Team and Jacqui Lambie Network want greater accountability of the government. Furthermore, the JLN wants open and accessible policies that always benefit the public.
The security of our nation and its borders is a big deal. Australia does not want to be left defenceless in the face of any sort of incursion. Thrivable voting ensures that our nation has adequate security.
In terms of military defence, the LNP wants to expand the defence workforce by 30%, with bigger investment in cyber defence and offence.
Labor supports aerial surveillance, economic self-reliance, and a stronger defence force with better cybersecurity.
Furthermore, the Centre Alliance also would strengthen defence. Also, the Centre Alliance wants to reduce crime. Their strategy for preventing domestic terrorism is to fund counter radicalisation strategies, imprison extremists trying to groom people, and locking terrorists in Australia rather than deportation.
The United Australia Party, would like to separate the defence budget from political whims. Also, they want to purchase submarines from the US.
Regarding internal security for crime, gun control and domestic terrorists, only Independents had clear policies.
One Nation supports responsible gun ownership. In fact, this means tougher sentences for gun crimes and stricter border security to screen for guns and drugs.
The Animal Justice Party would maintain or create further restrictions on current gun laws and firearm import restriction.
Katter’s Australia Party would introduce a real time licensing system to crack down on illegal weapons.
Labor wants to build a secure resilient Australia.
The Greens want to create more peace.
One Nation wants to reduce refugee intake.
Katter’s Australia Party intends to create opportunities for offenders to move to a remote, approved property to work and become members of society.
The Rex Patrick Team wants to take action against the genocide happening to Uyghur peoples in re-education camps in China, fight to ban good produced by Uyghur forced labour, and stand with the Uyghur community in Australia.
The Centre Alliance wants to develop a foreign aid budget that represents 0.7% of the Gross National Income to continue the attainment of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals and continue to have Australia attain international standards as a developed nation.
One Nation wishes to reduce refugee intake for 5 years and redirect funding to Australian services with a view to introduce a no immigration policy. Furthermore, they want to withdraw Australia from the United Nations 1951 Refugee Convention. The principle of this convention is customary to international law where no refugee should return to a country where they face serious threats to their life or freedoms.
Centre Alliance aims to treat genuine asylum seekers with compassion and dignity. Furthermore, they want to Develop assessment and depending on outcomes, individuals must return to their country of origin if safe or settle in another country with cooperation from UNHCR. Finally, they intend to protect any and all whistleblowers in this area.
The Greens want to increase Australia’s humanitarian intake and bring refugees to safety in Australia. Also, they would like to abolish Temporary Protection Visas for refugees and introduce Permanent Protection Visas so they can rebuild their lives.
Employment is an important issue. Yes, Australia has Centrelink, but Centrelink keeps people on the poverty line. Not above, barely surviving, and a long way from thriving. How do each of the parties policies address this situation? This is a question to ask yourself when it comes to your thrivable voting.
The LNP, Labor, and Greens want more secure and well-paid jobs for Australians.
Furthermore, The LNP aims to generate 1.3 million jobs in five years, promote Australian apprenticeships, upskill citizens, empower women in non-traditional trades, and support employment, regional skills, and skilled migrants.
Labor’s goals are job creation, addressing job insecurity, boosting wages, and revitalizing manufacturing.
One Nation wants to expand the National Apprenticeship Scheme.
Centre Alliance aims to back unions, regularly review workplace systems, promote job-focused energy sectors, and respect Fair Work Commission.
The LNP intends to reduce government deficit and debt. Furthermore, they want to make superannuation voluntary.
One Nations aims are increasing national apprenticeship schemes to increase tradesmen and women. This provides 75% wage subsidy in year 1, 50% in year 2, and 25% in year 3.
RPT’s objectives include safeguarding 700 SA submarine maintenance jobs, funding the Cape Hardy Port, reviving Whyalla’s wheel industry, and addressing automotive, energy, infrastructure, and fuel issues.
The AJP’s goals include helping animal farmers and slaughterhouse workers switch to ethical industries, creating stable jobs, supporting unions, and promoting sustainable, animal-friendly businesses. Also, they want to ensure that slaughterhouse workers have appropriate workers’ compensation and psychological assessments to address stress and harm.
The Greens have a comprehensive agenda aimed at improving working conditions and employment opportunities. In fact, they plan to rewrite labor laws to empower workers, outlaw insecure work, and raise wages. Furthermore, they’re committed to ending the insecure work crisis and extending protections to casual and contract workers. Moreover, their goal is to reduce inequalities, ensure equal treatment, and strengthen workers’ bargaining power. Also, they oppose migration laws and free trade deals that undermine local labor laws and aim to stop government attacks on workers and unions. They aim to increase the minimum wage, support paid parental leave, close the gender pay gap, and promote diversity in the workforce. Additionally, they prioritize supporting sustainable industries, reskilling workers, and conserving the environment through initiatives like tree planting and habitat restoration.
For your consideration in engaging in thrivable voting you must take into account that the 1.3 million jobs generation is the Coalition’s already-announced policy agenda. In fact, they have dedicated tens of billions of Australian dollars towards skills and training, manufacturing, the digital economy and infrastructure, as well as the stage three tax cuts.
The 1.3 million jobs is an average of 260,000 a year whereas the budget is based on known policies, forecasts annual jobs growth of about 205,000 a year. Working-age households receiving welfare payments – primarily JobSeeker – are under much more financial stress than those receiving other welfare payments.
Furthermore, increasing incomes at the very bottom of the distribution would probably improve economic outcomes by helping recipients to look for a job. In fact, even with a further $75 increase, JobSeeker would still be only about half (51.4 per cent) of the full-time minimum wage, meaning that an unemployed person would still have a substantial financial incentive to move into full-time work.
Taxes are part of an economy. As said in the Bible, give unto Ceasar what is Caesar’s. This means paying your taxes. However, is the way tax policies are formed fair for everyone? This is an important question while perusing the polices to make an informed choice when it comes to your thrivable voting.
The Rex Patrick Team wants to lower taxes.
Katter’s Australia Party intend to indefinitely freeze the escalation of transitional tariffs
Centre Alliance seeks to adjust superannuation tax breaks to favor lower savings.
Labors solitary goal is to lower taxes for working class families.
One Nation opposes raising the GST and death duties. Furthermore, it aims for fair taxation of multinationals.
The objectives of the Animal Justice Party’s plan include repatriating significant funds to Australian Super, instituting a fossil fuel tax on agriculture, reforming taxation for fairness and efficiency, considering societal costs, and introducing a deterrent tax on processed meat.
The LDP aims to introduce a $40,000 tax-free threshold and a flat-rate 20% income tax for individuals and businesses earning over $40,000. Furthermore, they advocate for voluntary superannuation contributions, opposing further default superannuation rate hikes, and striving to streamline the superannuation sector for simplicity.
Prices are surging. Food, utilities, and many other basic necessities increase faster than wages and exponentially quicker than Centrelink benefits. The Cost of Living is a crisis more dire than COVID-19. When engaging in thrivable voting cast your vote to protect our future.
Katter’s Australia Party supports increasing the ethanol mandate by 10 per cent by 2025.
The LNP wants to improve the quality of living in Western Australia.
Labor seeks to cut power bills and childcare fees.
The Animal Justice Party advocates for accessible, affordable, and safe public transport for all people and companion animals. Furthermore, they oppose planned product obsolescence and repair and upgrade barriers.
One Nation, Centre Alliance, and the Greens oppose the increase of the pension age to 70.
Also, Centre Alliance wants to cap utility costs at the Consumer Price Index.
The Greens aspire to eliminate poverty by introducing a livable income guarantee, ensuring financial security for all. Furthermore, they seek to promote renewable energy adoption by offering financial support to households for battery installation, lowering power bills through a non-profit retailer, and making electric vehicles more accessible through cost reduction and affordable financing options. Additionally, the party advocates for the reduction of the pension age and an increase in pension rates to provide better support for senior citizens. They also prioritise transitioning households away from gas and towards electric alternatives, aligning with their commitment to a greener future. Lastly, the Greens aim to raise income support payments to $88 per day, striving for fairer economic opportunities for all.
Australian dwelling prices have grown much faster than incomes, particularly since the mid-1990s. Indeed, prices have risen rapidly in all cities, and most regions. In fact, median prices have increased from about four times median incomes in the 1980s and early-1990s to more than eight times today. Of course, not all Australians own their own homes – nearly one in three households rent privately. Furthermore, more than half of low-income Australians in the private rental market suffer rental stress, especially those in the capital cities.
There are now two challenges facing natural gas. Firstly, the sector must reduce emissions to help meet our commitment to reach net zero by 2050. Secondly, the good old days of low-priced east coast gas are gone, making gas an increasingly expensive energy source.
Meeting rising electricity demand requires new transmission and distribution networks as well as new generation. Indeed, while the transmission and distribution networks are currently owned by a mix of government and private companies, decisions on investment and revenue are made largely through regulated processes. Furthermore, the timing of transmission build really matters for investment in new generation to replace existing coal, and for keeping electricity prices low. However, getting this right requires a good deal of coordination.
In conclusion, the next federal government should embrace opportunities to support major economic reforms by the states, especially in swapping stamp duty for a broad-based property tax and relaxing Australia’s overly stringent land-use planning rules. In fact, the principle of federal financial support for state-level reform is well-established. Under the National Competition Policy, the federal government paid the states nearly $6 billion over 10 years in exchange for much-needed regulatory and competition reform. As a result, the Productivity Commission later concluded that the program boosted Australians’ incomes by 2.5 per cent. A new national reform agenda, working with the states, could provide a similar boost to Australians’ living standards today.
Infrastructure is the basic physical and organizational structures that support a community, like roads, schools, and utilities, essential for development. Indeed, without infrastructure we can’t get anywhere or do anything essential for our day to day lives. It’s important to consider all parties policies when performing thrivable voting, not just for your future, but for everybodies.
Labor wants to Fix NBN by Boosting fibre and fast-tracking NBN repair.
One Nation intends on building new low-emission coal-fired power stations to guarantee low-cost, reliable, and dispatchable power.
The Animal Justice Party aims to reduce animal deaths and injuries on roads by modifying vehicles and existing roads, including wildlife infrastructure.
The Rex Patrick Team seeks to foster a robust EV supply chain, with a focus on infrastructure development and local microgrid systems to make Australia an active EV producer and reduce energy dependence.
Katter’s Australia Party focuses on regional development, emphasizing infrastructure and economic growth. In fact, they intend to promote the use of the Townsville to Mt Isa rail line, road upgrades for the cattle industry, and the establishment of cattle facilities in the Cape and Gulf regions. Furthermore, they advocate for sealing the Hann Highway to improve transportation and encourage Australian ownership of the Galilee Rail Line to boost regional progress.
The LDP advocates for an initial 10% cut to all federal departments (except Defence) and subsequent annual 1% reductions until national debt is cleared. Furthermore, they aim to eliminate duplicate departments, defund the ABC & SBS, end “nanny state” advertising, cut subsidies for renewable energy, eliminate tax-welfare cycles, reduce politicians’ salaries by 10%, and halt taxpayer funding for political parties. As a result, these initiatives are geared towards fiscal responsibility and streamlined governance.
The Greens aim to establish publicly owned electric vehicle fast charging networks, enhance funding for rail, bus services, cycling, and pedestrian infrastructure, and transition to electric buses for greener public transport. Additionally, they advocate for the construction of high-speed rail from Brisbane to Melbourne, reducing air pollution by shifting freight to rail and improving truck fleets’ environmental impact. Furthermore, they aim to invest in infrastructure and programs to reboot recycling. Finally, they focus on building composting facilities and prioritising community involvement in project planning.
Businesses are what keeps the country running. In fact, it doesn’t matter if they are small, sole proprietors or large, multinational corporations. They all have a place in our economy, delivering to us the goods and services we need. It’s important to consider with fairness policies aimed at business in Australia when taking part of thrivable voting.
Labor and the LDP want to support small businesses.
Furthermore, Labor wants to rebuild the public sector.
The RPT wants to support SA manufacturing and products.
Katter’s Australia Party aims to implement the Fair Milk Logo Scheme and ensure that rideshare operators adhere to the same safety and service standards as taxis.
The UAP intends to set up downstream processing in South Australia and Victoria to lead enormous revenue injections and better hospitals and schools.
The LNP aims to establish itself as a global leader in minerals and energy supply, foster growth in the critical mineral sector, invest in mining regions and communities, secure accessible and dependable gas supply, develop frontier skills, advance research and technology, explore for future prosperity, and simplify regulations for project acceleration.
The LDP’s objectives include simplifying business regulations, eliminating retail trading hour restrictions, decentralizing the minimum wage, easing occupational licensing, scrapping renewable energy regulations, reducing government agencies, streamlining business startup, reforming employment laws, ending implicit financial institution guarantees, and recognizing cryptocurrency as a legitimate currency.
The Greens advocate for increased public ownership and support for small businesses transitioning to electric alternatives. Furthermore, they propose grants to help new employers and hold fossil fuel companies accountable for environmental damage, reinvesting in climate-adaptive infrastructure. Finally, they aim to rebuild the manufacturing industry using green energy, support domestic green export industries, transition to 100% renewables to spur job growth and innovation, create a Manufacturing Australia Fund to assist post-pandemic recovery, and position Australia as a renewable energy leader through investments in green hydrogen and mineral processing.
The Centre Alliance wants to support businesses, encourage and nurture Australians to develop their own niche, create tax breaks for small businesses during the first 2 years of operation (including payroll tax exemption for up to 15 full-time employees), report on insolvency in the construction industry via the Senate Economics Committee’s recommendations, and create national legislation to secure payment regimes and rapid adjudication processes
The next federal government should explore wholesale reform of Australia’s corporate tax system, such as a destination-based cash flow tax or an allowance for corporate equity. Indeed, the government should consider charging more for the use of non-renewable resources such as coal and iron ore, as recommended by the Henry Tax Review. A well-designed rent tax would significantly improve the budget position while maintaining the economic benefits of any company tax cut.
The key to ensuring Australia captures the opportunities presented by green steel is building local skills and capability in low-emissions steelmaking in the next decade. Furthermore, the incoming federal government should make funding available for a steel ‘flagship’ project to build these skills and capabilities. Indeed, this could involve gas instead of hydrogen in the interim, providing a lower-cost and commercially proven path to green steel. Western Australia, with its low-cost gas, could play an important role. And moving towards lower-emissions steel could help sustain existing steel-making jobs in Port Kembla in NSW or Whyalla in South Australia.
International trade policies define how we interact with other nations and their peoples. It define who we are on the global stage. It is vital to understand what the different parties stand for when it comes to thrivable voting.
The UAP intends to introduce a 15% export licence on the export of Australian iron ore. The licence can aid in repaying national debt
The AJP has put forward a series of initiatives. In fact, they aim to conduct a comprehensive review of all international treaties to identify any agreements that have a detrimental impact on animals. Additionally, they propose a ban on the import and export of animal trophies and advocate for the reinforcement of efforts to police and enforce bans on illegal wildlife trade. Moreover, they emphasize the importance of increasing foreign aid, with a particular focus on expanding programs that support the education of women and girls, recognizing the significant positive impact such programs can have.
The Greens seek to guarantee that the government procures products that are both local and environmentally friendly. Also, they advocate for the cessation of public funding to corporate weapons manufacturers and instead advocate for fostering collaborative partnerships with neighboring nations. Furthermore, they call for an end to the export of weapons altogether, promoting a stance of no more weapon exporting.
Centre Alliance wants to strengthen foreign aid and investment. Furthermore, they aim to adopt elements from New Zealand’s foreign investment laws, which involve reducing the threshold for foreign investment approval and establishing a well-defined criteria for determining the national interest. Moreover, they seek to enhance transparency in foreign investments by implementing a foreign investment register. In an effort to curb foreign investment in the Australian housing market, they intend to implement measures to restrict such investments. Additionally, Center Alliance proposes the creation of a new visa category designed to incentivise investors to settle in regions characterized by low population and economic growth, thereby contributing to the development of these areas.
The RPT agenda includes reducing the nation’s reliance on foreign supply chains to bolster onshore resilience. Also, they advocate for strengthening Australia’s anti-dumping regulations to prevent the influx of cheap and low-quality imported products into the domestic market. Additionally, the RPT calls for the mandatory use of Australian steel in all taxpayer-funded projects, extending this requirement to projects financed by Federal grants to states and territories. Furthermore, they emphasize the importance of Federal and State governments consistently considering the economic and social benefits of selecting Australian providers when procuring goods and services.
Moreover, the RPT proposes a ban on the importation of dangerous and substandard cladding materials in support of Australian building material manufacturers. Lastly, they encourage value-added activities within Australia by advocating for the domestic production of steel from iron ore and the manufacturing of batteries from lithium, rather than exporting these raw materials. Overall, their agenda aims to strengthen Australia’s economic and industrial foundations while ensuring quality and safety standards in imported products.
One Nation wants the abolishment of Free Trade Agreements and the reintroduction of import tariffs for specific countries, with the goal of protecting domestic industries, preserving local jobs, and maintaining wage levels. Additionally, they seek to reform Australia’s Foreign Investment Rules by legislating a clear definition of ‘National Interest,’ encompassing considerations such as security, competition, tax, character tests, and other impacts on the country.
Also, they aim to restrict the sale of homes to non-citizens and non-residents, ensuring that housing remains accessible to Australian citizens. Furthermore, the party advocates for full disclosure of water ownership and a ban on the sale of water to foreign investors. Moreover, they propose a reduction in the refugee intake for a five-year period, reallocating funds to bolster Australian services and withdrawing from the United Nations 1951 Refugee Convention.
In fact, they wish to introduce a zero-net immigration policy. As a result of this policy, only high-skilled migrants would be allowed to migrate to Australia. They assert their commitment to prioritising Australia’s resources for domestic use and emphasise the supremacy of the Australian Constitution over United Nations forums and 193 member states. Lastly, they voice their opposition to the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’ initiative and pledge to abolish any Free Trade Agreements that do not serve Australia’s interests.
This section does not contain all currently registered parties registered in Australia. In fact, the AEC lists a total of 38 registered political parties in Australia. However, only 10 of these are parliamentary parties, meaning they have members elected to either the House of Representatives or the Senate. So, in the interest of providing the most relevant information, this report will exclude any parties who received less than 0.5% of the popular vote in the 2019 federal election and are not currently represented in the federal parliament. These parties are listed in order of total votes received at the last election. To make the most of your thrivable voting, please continue your investigation alongside ours.
For your thrivable voting consideration, when it comes to employment the Liberals want to create 1.3 million jobs, back Australian apprentices, and upskill all Australians. Furthermore, they want to support women entering the workforce and encourage women into taking on non-traditional trades. Finally, they wish to focus on creating employment programs, regional skills, and attracting skilled migrants.
Also for the consideration of thrivable voting, when it comes to the Australian Forestry industry, the Liberals want to continue to support it. Furthermore, they want to invest in research and development to unlock growth and jobs. Moreover, they are looking at product innovation to grow the industry. In fact, they aim to secure future supply, tackle illegal logging, and want to future proof the industry.
The Liberal party’s agenda encompasses a comprehensive range of healthcare initiatives. In fact, they are committed to ensuring access to vital devices for managing diabetes and making healthcare more accessible and affordable through Medicare, facilitating easier doctor visits. Additionally, they strive to improve access to new medicines and vaccines, prioritise women’s and indigenous health, and strengthen healthcare strategies in rural areas. Furthermore, their commitment extends to making significant investments in hospitals, simplifying and reducing the cost of private health insurance, and planning for future pandemics. Moreover, they prioritise mental health and suicide prevention, focus on preventive healthcare measures, and aspire to lead in groundbreaking medical research.
The Liberals have outlined an array of housing-related initiatives as part of their policy agenda. Indeed, they plan to extend the home guarantee scheme, with a particular focus on assisting first-time homebuyers. Also, they intend to encourage the construction of new homes in regional areas, aiming to stimulate growth in those regions. Furthermore, in a move to assist single-parent families, they aim to double the number of available places. Additionally, they plan to raise the property price threshold for eligibility in the home guarantee scheme. Moreover, their agenda includes advocating for increased investment in affordable housing and actively supporting indigenous homeownership.
With regards to thrivable voting, please consider their stance on resources.
The Liberal party is dedicated to strengthening Australia’s position as a global leader in the supply of minerals and energy resources. Furthermore, they are committed to fostering the growth of our critical mineral sector and making substantial investments in mining regions and communities, aiming to drive economic prosperity in these areas. Indeed, ensuring an affordable and reliable gas supply remains a priority for them, recognizing its significance in various industries.
In their vision for the future, the Liberals emphasise the importance of frontier skills, research, and technology. Also, they seek to explore new avenues for economic growth and prosperity while ensuring environmental sustainability. Moreover, part of their strategy involves streamlining regulations to facilitate project development, promoting initiatives like Greenfields agreements to enhance efficiency and cooperation in the business sector.
Additionally, the party has outlined a plan for managing waste generated from nuclear medicine, demonstrating their commitment to responsible and sustainable resource management.
The Liberals are committed to several key priorities concerning Western Australia. In fact, they aim to reduce taxes and provide cost-of-living relief for families and retirees, as well as lower taxes for small businesses. Infrastructure development is a focus, with plans to build safer and more efficient roads and rail systems. Also, they intend to support the growth of the state’s resource sector while diversifying the Pilbara region.
In terms of economic matters, the Liberals are dedicated to securing a fairer GST deal for Western Australia and nurturing the growth of defense industries, manufacturing, science and technology sectors, and primary industries. Additionally, they plan to establish a new comprehensive cancer center in the state and ensure essential health and aged care services.
Education and skills development are also priorities, with investments in education and apprenticeships. Finally, the party is committed to maintaining the safety and security of Western Australia.
Labor plans to increase the number of General Practitioners (GPs) to make accessing healthcare easier and more convenient. Additionally, they propose the establishment of 50 Medicare Urgent Care Clinics to alleviate the pressure on emergency departments. Furthermore, they aims to modify regulations to allow regional and outer metro communities the flexibility to recruit doctors of their choice, whether they are local or overseas-trained GPs. Also, they intend to improve public health, they plan to expand the newborn screening program, broadening the range of screened conditions from about 25 to 80. Moreover, Labor is committed to enhancing pandemic preparedness and response by establishing an Australian Centre for Disease Control. Finally, their proposal includes reducing the cost of medication by lowering the Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme co-payment from $42.50 to a maximum of $30 per prescription, ensuring more affordable healthcare for all.
Labor policies on employment are important to consider when thinking about thrivable voting. They intend to tackle job insecurity and low wages. Furthermore they want a “same job, same pay” law in place to close the gender pay gap. Finally, they want to train thousands of workers by ensuring one in ten workers on major government projects is an apprentice, trainee, or cadet.
Labor would like to lift the maximum child care subsidy rate to 90% for the first child. Moreover, they intend to increase the child care subsidy rates for every family with one child in care earning less than $530,000 in household income. Also, they want to keep higher child care subsidy rates for the second and additional children in care. Finally, they aim to extend the increased subsidy to include outside school hours care.
Thrivable voting is about taking a holistic view on what’s best for Australia. Some of the lofty policies Labor has in place for Australia’s future is to rebuild Australia’s proud manufacturing industry, including building more trains, trams, and ferries in Australia. Finally, they wish to expand NBN access to 1.5 million premises. Indeed, they aim to prioritise local jobs for defence contracts with our Defence Industry Development Strategy.
Labor is committed to supporting TAFE (Technical and Further Education), ensuring that vocational education remains a cornerstone of skill development. Additionally, Labor aims to make childcare more affordable for families, recognizing the importance of accessible and quality early education. In fact, their plan includes a significant investment of $440 million in schools, which will go toward enhancing ventilation, upgrading infrastructure, and providing essential mental health support. In higher education, Labor is dedicated to expanding opportunities by offering an additional 20,000 university places. Furthermore, they plan to train a substantial workforce and invest $100 million in supporting 10,000 New Energy Apprenticeships, emphasizing the importance of renewable energy sectors. Finally, Labor seeks to foster innovation and entrepreneurship by introducing a Startup Year, which has the potential to spawn 2,000 new firms, thereby creating a platform for future job growth and economic opportunity.
Labor aims to deliver an AUD$275 annual reduction in household power bills, a significant reduction in emissions to 43%, and improvements to the electricity grid to enhance energy transmission and reduce power prices.
Furthermore, Labor is dedicated to promoting electric vehicles by making them more affordable through an electric car discount and implementing Australia’s first National Electric Vehicle Strategy. Also, they prioritise emissions reduction by adopting recommendations to gradually and predictably decrease emissions for facilities covered by the Government’s Safeguard Mechanism, aligning with industry commitments to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. In fact, Labor aims to support Emissions Intensive Trade Exposed industries to ensure they remain competitive.
To foster green innovation and industry growth, Labor plans to allocate up to $3 billion from the National Reconstruction Fund for investments in green metals, clean energy component manufacturing, hydrogen technology, agricultural methane reduction, and waste reduction. Additionally, they intend to enhance energy efficiency within existing industries and stimulate new industries in regional Australia through the Powering the Regions Fund.
Labor’s environmental initiatives extend to installing 85 solar banks across Australia and deploying 400 community batteries nationwide. Furthermore, they pledge to lead by example and reduce the Australian Public Service’s emissions to net-zero by 2030. Investing in 10,000 New Energy Apprentices and a New Energy Skills Program demonstrates their commitment to workforce development in the green energy sector. Also, Labor seeks to inform consumers by implementing a real-world vehicle fuel testing program and promoting transparency on climate-related risks and opportunities among large businesses. Finally, they plan to restore the Climate Change Authority’s role while introducing new annual Parliamentary reporting to ensure accountability and transparency in addressing climate concerns.
Labor pledges to deliver lower taxes for working families. Furthermore, they intend to support Cost of Living relief to offset taxes by $420 for low-and-middle income earners.
Labor will back the engine room of the national economy and ensure small businesses are paid on time to sustain growth across the economy. Also, they will make unfair contract terms illegal so small businesses can negotiate with larger partners. Finally, they intend to work with unions to deliver better outcomes and reduce small business transaction costs for COVID relief.
National security is a crucial issue when engaging in thrivable voting. Labor wants to build a more secure, resilient Australia. Furthermore, they intend to support a stronger Australian Defence Force. Also, they wish to prioritise better and smarter cybersecurity. Indeed, shoring up Australia’s economic self-reliance is paramount to their goals. Moreover, they demand stronger communities and institutions and will work to ensure this. Finally, they want to deepen Australia’s partnership in the region and with nations across the world.
Labor wants to offer a few homeowners a “help to buy” shared equity scheme to cut the cost of buying a home by 30% and 40% for building a new one. In fact, they do this to extend the promise of home ownership to more Australians. They have no intentions of realistically tackling the homelessness crisis.
Labor’s policies surrounding older Australians are aimed at treating older Australians with the respect they deserve. Furthermore, they want to ensure every aged care facility has a registered nurse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Moreover, they want to provide more carers to average at 215 minutes per day for every person living in aged care. They promise a pay rise for aged care workers. Finally, they wish to offer better food for residents.
Labor intends to support Australian women, closer gender gaps at work, and take definitive action to stop sexual harassment at work.
Womens safety is paramount when making a decision about how to engage in thrivable voting. In fact, Labor intends to address the pressing issue of family, domestic, and sexual violence is a top priority. To tackle this problem, the plan includes several key initiatives. One such initiative is the establishment of a Family, Domestic, and Sexual Violence Commissioner, who will serve as a powerful advocate for victim-survivors.
Additionally, there will be an investment in 500 new community sector workers to provide crucial support to women facing crises. Moreover, the plan also allocates $77 million to ensure that Australian school students have access to high-quality, age-appropriate, and respectful relationships education. In fact, they believe collaboration with states and territories will strengthen laws related to sexual assault and consent. Furthermore, legislation will be enacted to provide 10 days of paid family and domestic violence leave, offering essential support to those affected. Notably, a distinct national plan will be implemented to address violence against women and family violence within First Nations communities, demonstrating a commitment to ending such violence across all segments of society.
Labor is committed to fostering genuine partnerships that lead to better outcomes for all. Central to their approach is the full implementation of the Uluru Statement, which includes elements like the Voice, Treaty, and Truth. Furthermore, Labor is determined to work towards Closing the Gap, addressing disparities and improving the quality of life for Indigenous communities. Indeed, they plan to abolish the punitive Community Development Program and tackle the issues of incarceration and deaths in custody through landmark justice reinvestment funding. Additionally, their vision includes significant improvements in housing in remote Indigenous communities and substantial investments in First Nations management of land and waters. Also, Labor is focused on strengthening economic and job opportunities for First Nations people and aims to eliminate the privatised Cashless Debit Card, ensuring a more equitable and inclusive future for Indigenous communities in Australia.
Thrivable voting means to consider every party and policy where it concerns the environment. Labor promises to care for Australia’s cherished natural environment and our climate. In fact, part of their promise includes protecting the Great Barrier Reef. Also, they want to fix Australia’s urban rivers and catchments. Finally, they aim to double the number of Indigenous Rangers.
Labor’s plan is to the legislate a robust, transparent, and independent National Anti-Corruption Commission by the end of 2022. This commission will possess a wide-reaching mandate, enabling it to investigate Commonwealth ministers, public servants, statutory office holders, government agencies, parliamentarians, and personal staff of politicians. Importantly, it will operate independently of the government, initiating inquiries into serious and systemic corruption autonomously or in response to referrals from whistle-blowers and the public. Furthermore, to ensure its impartiality, the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner will serve a single fixed term and enjoy security of tenure akin to federal judges.
Additionally, the commission’s oversight will be vested in a statutory bipartisan Joint Standing Committee of the Parliament, charged with compelling the Commission to furnish information about its activities. Indeed, this committee will ensure bipartisan support for the Commission’s work. Also, the commission will have the authority to investigate allegations of serious and systemic corruption, regardless of when they occurred, and may hold public hearings when it deems it in the public interest to do so. While it can make findings of fact, including those related to corrupt conduct, it will not have the authority to make determinations of criminal liability.
Allegations of criminal conduct will be referred to the Australian Federal Police or the Commonwealth Department of Public Prosecutions for further consideration. Indeed, the commission will operate with a strong commitment to procedural fairness, and its findings will be subject to judicial review, assuring the integrity of its processes and outcomes.
Labor pledges to protect the NDIS and get it back on track. Furthermore, they aim to stop cuts to individual NDIS plans with an Expert Review that will guarantee plans are not being unfairly reduced. In fact, they intend to review the NDIS design, operation, and its sustainability to ensure people with disabilities are at the centre of the scheme. Finally, they want to improve employment outcomes with a Disability Employment Centre for Excellence.
It’s important to consider equality and inclusion when casting votes for thrivable voting. In fact, Labor promises that all Australians have the right to live their lives free of discrimination. Furthermore, they want to advance equality for First Nations Peoples, women, culturally and linguistically diverse people, people with disability, LGBTIQ+ orientated people, and people of faith. Finally, they wish to protect teachers and students from discrimination on any grounds.
Labor has visions of improving Australia’s disaster readiness. Consider these points with care before participating in thrivable voting. Labor wants to continue to fully fund disaster recovery through the existing Disaster Recovery Funding arrangements. Also, they want to cut red tape so disaster resilience funding can get out the door faster. Indeed, they intend to improve the efficiency of disaster recovery prosesses. This is to simplify and speed up payments to disaster victims and repairs to damaged infrastructure. Finally, Labor wants to deal with spiralling insurance premiums in disaster prone regions by reducing the risk of expensive damage to homes and businesses.
Labor wants to protect the ABC and SBS. Furthermore, they intend on creating a five-year funding commitment to reverse the cut of AUD$83.7 million. Finally, they wish to bolster independence and stability of national broadcasters.
Labor wants to provide a voice for younger Australians. In fact, they intend to introduce a new youth engagement model to provide a voice and structure for younger Australians to directly engage with government and contribute to policy development.
Labor will rebuild an effective public sector. Furthermore, they will engage in fair and genuine negotitations with employees and their representatives, especially when dealing with back pay arrangements or pay rises. Finally, they will stop excessive reliance on public funds for contractors, consultants, and labour hire companies.
Labor pledges to boost fibre and fast track NBN repair. Furthermore, they will expand high speed internet from full fibre NBN access to 1.5 million premises. Indeed, they will keep the NBN in public hands to ensure internet costs remain affordable. Also, they intend that regional areas will benefit from access to optical fibre. Finally, they will create 12,000 jobs in the NBN industry.
Managing water well is crucial for Australia’s future. This is a key consideration for thrivable voting. Labor wants to establish a National Water Commission to drive ongoing water reform and future proof Australia’s water resources. Furthermore, they want to broaden the Nation Water Grid investment policy to allow funding for a larger range of projects. Indeed, this will bring essential town water supplies in regional and remote communities within the scope of the funding. This is in addition to other agricultural projects.
The Greens realise the interactions between each policy.
The Greens advocate for setting up a Truth and Justice commission to investigate historical and ongoing human rights abuses. In fact, this body will not only reveal past wrongdoings but also make recommendations for healing. Additionally, it aims to develop treaties to shape Australia’s future and raise awareness of these issues.
Also, they propose community-led services for First Nations communities, including Indigenous-owned healing centres and improved preventive programs. Furthermore, they aim to extend health benefits to Indigenous elders over 60 and grow the Indigenous healthcare workforce.
The Greens suggest providing each survivor of the Stolen Generations with a $200,000 payment to support them and their families as they age and continue their healing journey. Families would also receive $7,000 for funeral expenses, and services would be provided to address the emotional and mental health needs of survivors and their families.
The Greens call for robust laws to protect Indigenous cultural heritage, knowledge, and intellectual property. In fact, they want to expand programs like the First Nations ranger initiative and Indigenous Protected Areas to support healing efforts. Additionally, the party aims to return land to First Nations management.
To reform the justice system, the Greens intend to raise the legal age of responsibility to at least 14 years. Moreover, they also recommend doubling the funding for legal assistance services and creating a Indigenous legal defence fund to provide communities with independent legal advice for heritage protection. Furthermore, they advocates for the establishment of a police ombudsman and oversight bodies to investigate complaints within the justice system. As a result, these policies collectively work towards a more inclusive and equitable Australia, prioritising the rights and well-being of Indigenous peoples.
The Greens plan to halt new coal, oil, and gas projects, provide sustainable employment, and phase out thermal coal by 2030.
Also, they seek to diminish the influence of coal and gas money in politics by ending subsidies to major fossil fuel corporations, enforcing a carbon price, capping political donations, restricting post-political employment, enhancing transparency, and creating an independent anti-corruption agency, along with implementing a Code of Conduct to prevent undue influence by fossil fuel billionaires in political matters.
The Greens support homes and small businesses in transitioning from gas to electric alternatives, offering financial incentives for battery installations and establishing a non-profit retailer to reduce energy costs and promote green energy.
They also aim to assist communities and workers in securing sustainable employment, offering reskilling opportunities and grants for new businesses.
The Greens urge fossil fuel companies to compensate for past harm, fund climate-resilient infrastructure, increase support for emergency services, and enhance prediction resources.
The Greens promote green manufacturing by rebuilding the industry with renewable energy, supporting local export businesses, transitioning to 100% renewables, and creating a Manufacturing Australia Fund to aid recovery and shift from coal and gas. They aim to make Australia a renewable superpower by investing in green hydrogen and mineral processing, while prioritizing the procurement of local, clean, and sustainable products.
Also, they will heavily invest in renewables, replace coal plants by 2030, upgrade the grid for more wind and solar, and establish non-profit energy retailers for affordable prices.
The Greens will aid first-time EV buyers with $15,000 off and affordable financing, develops public EV fast charging, encourages used vehicle purchases, and prohibits new petrol/diesel cars by 2030, enacting lower emission standards.
Furthermore, they aim to boost funding for eco-friendly transportation like electric buses and high-speed rail, aiming to reduce air pollution and enhance public transit.
Finally, they will halt land clearing and forest logging, generating forestry jobs through tree planting, collaborating with farmers for carbon sequestration, and boosting Indigenous ranger programs.
When engaging in thrivable voting it is vital to take into account building the country in a sustainable way.
The Greens pledge to build 1 million new, affordable, accessible, and sustainable new homes to clear public housing wait lists, end homelessness; Improve homes with grants to adapt to winter versus summer weather. As a result, this will create direct and indirect jobs in construction and the broader economy.
Furthermore, they will invest more than ever in higher education. This includes fully funding unlimited free TAFE university and ensuring sustainable universities via a Green Education Infrastructure Fund.
Paramount to the Greens mission is to transition to a true circular economy. by building compostable processing schemes and investing in infrastructure and programs to reboot recycling. Furthermore they intend to engage in in waste avoidance and reduction research. Also, they will Minimise plastic waste by phasing out single use plastics. Finally, they support the Right to Repair to minimise e-waste.
The Greens will focus on environmental protection to ensure a sustainable future for all, with particular attention to the knowledge and connection of First Nations People to the land. Furthermore, they advocate for a Green Australia, aiming to halt the extinction crisis by 2030, restore wildlife habitats by planting two billion trees, end logging to reduce wildfires, save the Great Barrier Reef with grants, strengthen environmental protection laws, and make rivers swimmable by 2030. Additionally, they emphasize sustainable farming by restoring Carbon Farming Futures grants, establishing a research centre to support green agriculture, promoting organic certification, and fostering local hemp, cannabis, and seaweed farming industries. Moreover, the Greens seek to end animal cruelty through new laws, banning live export of livestock, eliminating factory farming, discontinuing gambling industries promoting horse and greyhound races, prohibiting the import and export of shark fins, and establishing an Independent Office of Animal Welfare.
Also, they support a Global Plastic Treaty and the principles of a Circular Economy to address the issue of plastics and packaging. Indeed, they champion healthy oceans by advocating against offshore exploration and seismic testing, expanding Marine Protected Areas, funding wetlands and coastal restoration, and extending the ban on super-trawlers to include 95-meter vessels. In fact, their comprehensive approach is built on the principles of environmental protection and sustainability, addressing various aspects of the ecosystem and respecting the knowledge and heritage of First Nations People.
The Greens want to strengthen democracy to benefit everyone. Furthermore, they want to cut coal and gas money out of politics.
Indeed, they wish to take on Murdoch media and strengthen media diversity and stop the spread of misinformation and hate by strengthening powers of The Australian Communications and Media Authority. Finally, they will protect rights of journalists.
The Greens will rewrite labour laws to give working people more power, outlaw insecure work, and increase wages.
In fact, they aim to end the insecure work crisis by giving casual and contract workers access to protections and entitlements to protect rights of all workers
Also, they will ensure labour laws reduce inequalities in society and that workers are treated equally. Furthermore, they will protect workers rights and give workers more bargaining power to increase wages and improve conditions. Moreover, they will stop migration laws and free trade deals that undercut local labour laws. Finally, they pledge to end government attacks on working people and unions.
The Greens will increase minimum wage to 60% of median wage so no one is below the poverty line.
Indeed, the Greens intention is to boost paid parental leave and increase women’s workforce participation through free childcare and flexible work arrangements. Also, they will close gender pay gap by increasing wages and implement public work sector workforce strategies to boost employment of women, First Nations, CALD people, and people with disabilities. Finally, they will support women led businesses through low interest loans.
Also, they will support recovery of art industry from the pandemic and implement an artist in every school and library across Australia to drive arts jobs. Finally, they aim to invest in arts education while establishing new arts schools.
The Greens intend to move away from private sectors and towards public sectors.
Furthermore, they wish to see publicly owned renewable energy.
The Greens promise to build 750,000 new public and community houses, 125,000 new shared equity homes, and 125,000 new public, universal access rental homes to provide low cost and secure housing.
Also, they will restore a number of public service jobs, lift public wages by 4%, limit outsourcing to labour hire firms, and allow public servants to run in election and participate in public debates. Also, they intend to protect whistle-blowers.
Finally, they will require public agencies to address the gender pay gap.
The Greens promise to invest taxpayers’ money in the public health system and stop taxpayers’ money to subsidise private health insurers.
Furthermore, the Greens will fund public health care services, aged care and childcare so it’s accessible for everyone and end out of pocket costs for public schools and health care.
The Greens will ensure community is at the centre of project planning and end corruption of grants being co-opted by politicians.
Healthcare and thrivable voting go together. This is their policy on your health.
The Greens prioritise accessible healthcare. They want to shift funds from private insurance to public healthcare, include telehealth in Medicare, and cover dental and mental health. Also, they view drug use as a health issue and propose regulating cannabis, along with harm reduction measures like pill testing and safe injection facilities. Furthermore, First Nations and women’s health is crucial, focusing on maternity care, free sanitary products in schools, and worker rights regarding pain and vaginal issues. Additionally, they aim to establish a National Center for Disease Control, invest in Covid-19 vaccines, emphasize prevention at all stages of life, address climate change’s health impact, and phase out for-profit aged care providers while increasing care hours and staff wages.
The Greens will extend access to early childhood education and strengthen early learning for First Nations children through support for First Nations community-controlled services. Also, they intend to phase out for-profit early learning.
Furthermore, they wish to reduce funding to private schools and reinvest in public schools.
The Greens promise to wipe out student debt. Finally, they will ensure better pay for educators.
Equality and justice for everybody is important to consider when engaging in thrivable voting. Here is how the Greens stand on this important issue.
The Greens aim to ensure gender-affirming healthcare is free on Medicare; Making schools safer.
Also, they will fund organisations that fight to end violence against women and children and provide services to vulnerable women; 10 days paid domestic violence leave.
In fact, the Greens aim to bring refugees to safety in Australia, increase Australia’s humanitarian intake, and abolish Temporary Protection Visas for refugees, introducing Permanent Protection Visas so they can rebuild their lives.
The Greens promise to enact a charter of human and Environmental Rights.
Furthermore, they intend to abolish poverty by introducing liveable income guarantee, lower pension age and increase rate of pension, and move away from private sectors and towards public sectors.
Finally, they wish to support renters rights and end homelessness.
The Greens will train all Federal MPs to be anti-racist.
Furthermore, they will provide grants to community organisations to tackle structural racism and fund national anti-racism campaigns.
Also, they aim to make Hate Speech illegal.
Finally, they will build a genuine Multicultural Country, establish a Federal Multicultural Commission, and allow dual citizens to run for Federal office.
The Greens promise to abolish inappropriate behaviour in parliament and mandate that all MPs undertake regular harassment training.
Furthermore, they will fund both organisations that promote healthy relationships in schools and research to implement preventative programs to tackle gender inequality.
Also, they promise to give the AHRC powers to investigate systemic discrimination and harassment and fund Working Women’s Centres in all States and Territories.
They intend to close the gender pay gap and finance paid parental leave. Childhood education and childcare will also be free.
Wars distract from the fight against the climate crisis. Focus on peace.
The Greens promise to stop giving public money to corporate weapons makers and build cooperative relationships with our friends and neighbours. Furthermore, there will be no more weapon exporting.
Also, they will end greedy protection of our wealthy country; Promote and support people seeking refuge in Australia.
The Greens will provide free rapid antigen tests to everyone and establish a national centre for disease control.
The UAP promises to not allow interest rates on home loans to exceed 3%. This is in an effort to save Australian homeownership from a potential market collapse and prevent foreign investors.
The UAP will introduce a 15% export licence on the export of Australian iron ore. In fact, they believe this licence can aid in repaying national debt.
“Just like when John Curtin in World War 2 brought the troops back to save Australia, the United Australia Party will bring back a trillion dollars of Australian super back to Australia, to save Australia.”
The UAP want to reinstate Section 92 of the Australian Constitution that provides “absolutely free” movement. Indeed, this will end lockdowns to save businesses, save mental and physical health. Furthermore, they will ban vaccine passports and allow alternative forms of treatment (including antivirals) to be available for all Australians.
Moreover, they plan to abolish the National Cabinet as it is unconstitutional and has no legal basis.
They will explore nuclear activity using Australia’s own uranium.
The UAP promises to use the defence budget for defence – as opposed to political expediency and coordinate and purchase submarines from the United States (entails nuclear power).
Also, they aim to implement laws to prevent foreign interference regarding censorship and Australian political debate on social media platforms.
The UAP intends to respect the Constitution and the rule of law with an emphasis on the freedoms of speech, religion, association, and freedom from fear.
Also, they want to stimulate economic growth in rural areas by stimulating 20% tax concession incentive to people that live more than 200 kms from a capital city.
For your final consideration on thrivable voting where the UAP are concerned is they will set up downstream processing in South Australia and Victoria to lead enormous revenue injections and better hospitals and schools.
One Nation will build more water dams to increase water security and control and store water. Furthermore, they will legislate full disclosure of water ownership and ban sale of water to foreign investors.
Furthermore, they intend to Increase national apprenticeship schemes to increase tradesmen and women. In fact, this provides 75% wage subsidy in year 1, 50% in year 2, and 25% in year 3.
Also, One Nation will reduce refugee intake for 5 years and redirect funding to Australian services. Furthermore, they intend to withdraw Australia from the United Nations 1951 Refugee Convention. The principle of this convention is customary to international law where no refugee should return to a country where they face serious threats to their life or freedoms.
One Nation promises to build new low-emission coal-fired power stations to guarantee low-cost, reliable, dispatchable power and secure on-shore oil reserves and capacity to refine fuels to restore the 90-day fuel security policy. They aim to explore nuclear power. However, they strongly opposes the subsidy schemes towards renewable energy projects. The abundance of Australia’s resources should be for Australia only – not global competitors.
One Nation does not support the World Economic Forum’s ‘Great Reset’. Furthermore, they will abolish any Free Trade Agreements that do not benefit Australia’s interests. Also, they intend to reimplement import tariffs on select countries. As a result, this will protect Australia’s remaining industry and manufacturing as well as homegrown jobs and wage levels.
Furthermore, they aim to allow citizens to put forward legislation or a referendum question via a Citizens Initiated Referenda. This is to prevent wait times and to allow more citizen participation.
One Nation will withdraw from the UN Paris Agreement signed in 2016. This is because the decline in carbon emissions has provided job losses thus making the economy suffer. Furthermore, they believe that climate change is a hoax reinforced by the media and evidence from the UN IPCC is to not be justified.
One Nation supports the rights of parents, grandparents (when parents’ relationship sour) and children. In fact, they will fix Australia’s Family Law system to become fairer. They intend that the children are supported rather than the care-giver.
One Nation will implement $100/week via the Work Bonus scheme that allows pensioners to earn up to $13000 a year without reducing pension. They will stipulate that a person must live and work in Australia for 15 years before accessing pension entitlements. Finally, they oppose the increase of age entitlement to 70 years of age.
They intend to ban further sale of freehold farmland to foreign investors and limit the sale of leasehold farmland to foreign investors. Also, they will apply a 25-year tenure to farmland. Furthermore, they aim to reimplement Foreign Investment Review Board applications on all Agriculture Land from expiring Free Trade Agreements. Finally, they will support Australian farmers through drought and other natural weather events.
One Nation wishes to legislate a clear definition of ‘National Interest” based on security, competition, tax, a character test, and any other impacts to Australia. This is in an attempt to reform Australia’s foreign investment rules. They promise to stop sale of houses to non-residents as well as non-citizens.
One Nation promises to restore critical thinking in the classroom and reinstate the cornerstone of education with reading, writing, arithmetic, and discipline.
Also, they plan to extend a zero-net migration policy and focus on permitting only high skilled migrants from culturally cohesive countries into Australia.
One Nation advocates to lower costs of medicinal cannabis.
They promise to fund the increase of scanning and inspection of containers through seizure of assets and money from the proceeds of drug crimes. Also, they intend to implement a Federal Police Drug Bus to provide an educational roadshow for parents and students.
One Nation aims to reduce the number of fraudulent schemes by implementing photo I.D. on Medicare cards. Also, they will stop funding of NDIS to pay for sex worker services. Furthermore, they will set term of unemployment benefits to 3 years in any given 5-year period. This is in efforts to end long-term unemployment payments.
They oppose an increase to the GST. Furthermore, they will maintain opposition to the reintroduction of death duties and pursue a tax regime that ensures multinational businesses pay their fair share of tax while operating within Australia.
One Nation supports responsible gun ownership. Also, they promise to enforce stricter border security and tougher sentencing for gun crimes and traffickers.
They will introduce 3-year contracts for newly qualified medical professionals and pay their HESC-HELP loans in full.
They oppose vaccine mandates.
One Nation aims to create stricter abortion laws.
The Animal Justice Party will halt any further expansion of fossil fuel industries and expedite the transition towards a carbon-free energy infrastructure. They also intend to facilitate reforestation efforts by transforming the agricultural sector to reduce grazing. Furthermore, the party plans to introduce a carbon tax that applies to both the fossil fuel and animal agriculture sectors. The revenue generated from this tax will be channelled into initiatives supporting clean energy solutions, sustainable plant-based food agriculture, and educational programs. Additionally, the party is committed to safeguarding existing forests and marine habitats, striving to prevent any further harm to these crucial ecosystems.
Their goal is to swiftly shift towards a carbon-free energy infrastructure within a 15 to 20-year timeframe, prioritizing well-established clean technologies that have minimal ecological and animal-related impacts. Furthermore, there’s an emphasis on funding the research and development of innovative, environmentally-friendly energy solutions. Additionally, a climate tax would be instituted for both the fossil fuel and animal agriculture sectors, based on the principle that those responsible for pollution should bear the associated costs. This comprehensive strategy underscores the party’s commitment to integrating sustainability and animal welfare into the energy and economic frameworks.
The AJP propose the enactment of new federal environmental laws to tackle climate change, land clearing, and other vital concerns. A central part of their strategy is the establishment of a Commonwealth Environment Commission (CEC) empowered to implement bioregional plans, programs, strategies, and environmental standards. Simultaneously, they intend to create a well-resourced Commonwealth Environmental Protection Agency (CEPA) to enforce and prosecute environmental violations. AJP seeks to amplify citizen involvement in environmental decisions, granting communities and environmental organizations the legal authority to advocate for nature. They also advocate recognizing the inherent Rights of Nature and challenging the perception of nature and animals as human property, aiming to foster ecological awareness.
A key aspect of their strategy involves gradually eliminating the cattle industry, commencing with prohibitions on additional land clearing and pasture fertilisation. This approach prioritises regions in close proximity to the most fragile areas of the reef. Furthermore, the plan includes a ban on new coal and natural gas operations as part of their comprehensive climate change policy. Similarly, a progressive reduction in bulk carriers transiting through the reef would be achieved through the phasing out of all fossil fuel production and exports. To safeguard the reef, the party aims to establish stringent and enforceable regulations for any industry with the potential to negatively impact the ecosystem, such as the sugar industry, which is known to contribute to sediment and fertilizer runoff issues.
The AJP intend to halt to all land clearing connected to animal agriculture. Additionally, they propose the incorporation of habitat preservation as a core and unchanging planning criterion across all areas and industries. To ensure the welfare of animals during land use changes, the AJP seeks to modify state-based animal welfare laws, making it mandatory for landholders to provide care for animals on their property. In addition, the party advocates for clear product labeling that identifies items containing palm oil, allowing consumers to make informed choices and steer clear of such products.
The AJP recommends that there should be no expansion of natural gas use, whether from coal seam or other sources. They further recommend that current natural gas use be rapidly phased out in favour of clean energy technologies. Rapidly, in this case means 15 to 20 years.
They intend to allocate resources for the advancement of biodegradable products, with the ultimate goal of prohibiting the usage of detrimental plastics. The promotion and facilitation of recycling and composting programs in both businesses and public institutions, coupled with public education on waste management, form another significant aspect of their strategy. Addressing issues of wastefulness, they pledge to put an end to the disposal of clothing and edible food by retailers, ensuring that such items reach those in need. The party also plans to invest in forward-thinking enterprises focused on waste reduction and reuse. In addition, they are committed to opposing practices like “planned obsolescence” and any hindrances to the repair or upgrade of consumer goods.
The AJP supports the efforts of integrity and accountability agencies that oversee our democratic processes including our electoral commissions and anti-corruption agencies. Also, they support all efforts to improve equity, transparency, integrity, and accountability in local, state and federal government Specifically, they encourage the strengthening of state-based anti-corruption watchdogs and the introduction of a federal Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).
The AJP also supports measures to prevent elected politicians from serving as paid lobbyists within five years of ending their political career, as this creates a clear conflict of interest. In fact, they support Compulsory preferential voting (CPV) in all Lower House elections, and advocates for more to be done to educate voters on our electoral system. For Upper Houses or “houses of review”, like the Federal Senate or a Legislative Council, the AJP support preferential, proportional representation by single transferable vote (STV).
The AJP supports legislation to stamp out misleading and deceptive political advertising, as it interferes with voters’ ability to make informed decisions. Furthermore, they will lower the voting age to 16 and investigating ways of further engaging young people in democracy. They also support trials of citizen panels or juries to decide complex and divisive issues.
First, the AJP aim to foster an inclusive society where the profound impact of historical, systemic, and institutional privileges, disadvantages, and inequalities is widely recogniSed. Secondly, they are committed to promoting equal opportunities for all individuals across various aspects of life, including education, employment, leisure, housing, and administrative matters. They also advocate for restitution measures to address historical injustices. Additionally, their agenda includes the safeguarding of the human, political, and socio-economic rights of all individuals. Lastly, they intend to enforce strict measures against direct and indirect discrimination, harassment, vilification, and victimisation based on any of the aforementioned attributes.
The AJP is in favor of several measures addressing various critical issues. They support efforts aimed at minimising harm, particularly in relation to sponsorship by gambling industries of sporting events. Additionally, the party advocates for consumer protection and anti-corruption measures, as well as greater transparency regarding funding for political parties, including real-time disclosure of political donors. Moreover, they aim to reduce the influence of political parties, ensuring visibility of lobbyists who interact with Ministers, Members of Parliament, and Local Government Councillors. The AJP is also committed to addressing concerns related to the direct and indirect exposure of gambling to minors, and re-evaluating funding for gambling industries.
The AJP recognises the importance of gender equality as a fundamental human right, as well as the paramount significance of ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals. In fact, the AJP sees reforms as vital to address the root causes of gender inequality and to provide protection against gender-based violence.
The party is committed to supporting, encouraging, and empowering women and gender-diverse individuals to be actively involved in all aspects of society, including politics. Informed decision-making regarding gender and sexual identity is advocated for all. Zero tolerance is upheld for sexism, misogyny, and all forms of violence, including gender-based violence, with a focus on fostering gender equality and respect across all sectors of society. The party also acknowledges the intersection of sexism with other forms of oppression and discrimination, such as racism and speciesism. Additionally, the use of gender-inclusive language is endorsed as part of their approach.
The AJP supports prevention and intervention measures advocated by ACOSS in 2020 to combat homelessness, including a proactive national housing strategy, sustained investment in affordable housing, and tax reform. They will support any further inquiries or trials that aim to look at the underlying economics and effectiveness of interventions that prevent homelessness.
To achieve a high vaccination rate, the AJP advocates for education and incentives (for example, subsidised vaccines or paid time off work to get vaccinated) as a first course of action. In some high-risk settings such as aged-care facilities, schools, hospitals or airports, it may be necessary to make vaccinations a condition of entry or employment to lower the risk of community transmission and serious illnesses.
The AJP supports voluntary euthanasia with appropriate safeguards to ensure that the choice is free and well informed. This choice should only be available when a person is diagnosed with a disease, illness, or medical condition that is incurable, advanced, progressive, and will cause death; and is experiencing suffering that cannot be relieved in a manner that the person considers tolerable.
The AJP aim to establish educational programs that raise public awareness regarding the inherent biosecurity risks linked to intensive animal industries and the habitat reduction that can lead to conflicts, presenting associated risks. Additionally, the AJP support research endeavours focused on protecting bat habitats to mitigate potentially dangerous conflicts involving both humans and bats. Moreover, the party is committed to actively opposing and repealing all ‘ag-gag’ laws that exploit biosecurity as a pretext to silence activists and whistle-blowers striving to prevent or expose instances of animal mistreatment.
They will ask the NHMRC to report on the state and potential for cultured meat, dairy and egg products.
The AJP will establish a Federal Government inquiry into the connection between slaughterhouse work and family and social violence. Furthermore, they aim to ensure that workers compensation schemes cater for the unique physical and psychological risks faced by slaughterhouse workers. Also, they promise to ensure that workers will undertake regular psychological examinations of workers for signs of stress and psychological harm that could raise the risk of family or social violence. They intend to provide assistance to enable animal farmers and slaughterhouse workers to transition to plant based industries.
The AJP is committed to introducing broader measures of economic assessment which recognise the intrinsic value and wellbeing of animals, nature and people. In fact, they will change taxation to be fairer and more efficient, and to reflect the costs to society and address ‘negative externalities’. For example, end subsidies to products derived from animal exploitation and/or environmentally destructive practices.
Also, they promise to reduce the occurrence of zoonotic diseases by ending animal exploitation and environmental destruction. A reduction in these diseases would also mean a reduction in corresponding lockdowns and job losses. Furthermore, they plan to fund a 21st century version of the ‘New Deal’; meaning significant investment in new eco-friendly infrastructure and industry, turning current environmental and social crises into opportunities, while also transitioning away from animal agriculture and environmentally-destructive practices such as burning fossil fuels.
The AJP promises to implement a Jobs Guarantee and Universal Basic Income programs to create secure, ethical and meaningful employment and reduce poverty. They aim to respect the role of unions in reducing the exploitation of workers and improving work conditions. Also, they will offer support to people and businesses that want to transition away from exploiting animals and the environment.
They mean to appoint a Future Generations Commissioner and legislate for the rights of future generations of animals and people to be taken into account in decisions that have long-term economic, social, and environmental impacts. Finally they wish to ensure that banking, superannuation and other investment products offer options that promote environmental sustainability and animal protection.
The AJP wishes to implement programs that increase and support positive interactions between students and wildlife, rescued farmed and companion animals such as volunteer days, and placements at shelters and sanctuaries. Also, they aim to place more focus on critical thinking and experiential learning, such as through charity and community service work, reducing the focus on standardised testing and providing teachers with the autonomy to plan according to the needs of their students.
They plan to teach students nutritional science and convey the discoveries of recent years about the nutritional and environmental benefits of plant based eating. Furthermore, they promise to ensure that all students have a good understanding of environmental science, including climate science.
The AJP want to facilitate plant based foods in all school, university, and TAFE cafeterias, accompanied by research into impacts on student health and behaviour. They will explain the realities of modern intensive and extensive farming systems and remove education programs provided by industry organisations. Education must be free of financial conflicts of interest.
Furthermore, their intention is to increase awareness of the links between domestic violence and animal cruelty and to teach the social and emotional skills required to promote non-violence. They say that access to helplines and information must be readily available. They plan to teach students how politics, law, and ethics operate to guide our society including an operational understanding of our voting systems. Furthermore, they wish to replace animal dissection with virtual or physical model alternatives.
The AJP aims to offer educational opportunities for workers currently employed by animal industries through subsidised programs where necessary and traineeships. Also, they will promote growth in sustainable animal friendly industries across the board such as eco-tourism, plant-based food products and technologies, and upcycled and recycled design.
GM has the potential to bring both benefit and harm. The Animal Justice Party will therefore create policy regarding genetic manipulation on a case-by-case basis, drawing on the value base of kindness, equality, rationality, and non-violence to assess the merits of each case. They seek regulation that prevents misuse and promotes social advancements. Furthermore, they will not hesitate to condemn GM when used in ways that harm animals. They will support GM where it removes existing forms of animal exploitation, improves human health, creates nutritious and sustainable crops, or helps protect our environment.
The AJP will increase the coverage of domestic and family violence refuges, especially those that also shelter dependent children and animals, and provide them with secure funding. Furthermore, they will strengthen legislation relating to animal cruelty and ensure consistent and adequate sentencing and rehabilitation for perpetrators of violence .
Also, they intend to facilitate information sharing, collaboration and cross-training between police, other government departments, veterinarians and the Independent Animal Protection Agency to stamp out all forms of violence They wish to create a single national register for convicted perpetrators of domestic and family violence and animal cruelty to forewarn potential victims and convey societal values of non-violence.
In fact, they promise to reform the family law system to consider the animal’s wellbeing during divorce proceedings and make it easier for victims to amend animal registration and microchipping details without alerting the perpetrator as to their whereabouts. They will introduce compulsory reporting mechanisms for veterinarians who reasonably suspect animal abuse or domestic and family violence to be occurring.
Finally, they want to include age-appropriate lessons for school children to identify and respond to animal abuse and domestic and family violence situations.
The AJP will run public education campaigns highlighting the social and environmental harm caused by gun use. They intend to oppose the use of guns for the lethal control of animals and prohibit recreational shooting and hunting in National Parks and State Reserves.
Also, the wish to maintain the NFA’s effective gun laws and firearm import restrictions and impose further restrictions to prevent guns being used for violent crime and in domestic violence situations
The AJP will educate all health care professionals on the benefits of plant based diets. Also, they plan to expand and refocus programs teaching people how to improve their diet and exercise habits.
Furthermore, they intend to phase out subsidies to intensive animal industries because they are both cruel and provide a breeding ground for new diseases which pose large public health risks. They want to end all subsidies to the red and processed meat industries. Eating large amounts of red and processed meats (which includes pig meat) can have serious health impacts, particularly in relation to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
Also, they wish to improve food labelling to clearly indicate any components of animal origin and end unnecessary public funding of research on drugs that address diseases best managed by simple lifestyle choices.
They plan to end the inappropriate use of antibiotics because of the risks of creating antibiotic resistant bacteria. Finally, they promise to ensure funding of health services is provided at the state level, with an end to vertical fiscal imbalances that cause a lack of accountability at all levels.
The AJP advocates a plant based diet free of all products derived from animals.
The AJP intends to review all international treaties to determine any agreements which adversely affect animals, prohibit the import and export of animal trophies. Finally, they will strengthen policing of illegal wildlife trade bans.
The AJP wants to encourage the growth of efficient and low carbon transport. They will also focus on steep reductions in private vehicles, particularly in urban areas.
They plan a rapid transition away from the internal combustion engine towards hydrogen, electric vehicles and other clean technology with better emissions standards (possibly including offsets) in the interim. Furthermore, they will provide financial incentives to both producers and consumers to switch to more eco-friendly land transport solutions. They aim to ensure that public transport is affordable, reliable, accessible and safe for all people and companion animals.
Moreover, they wish to prioritise walkability, active transport, and public transport in town planning while minimising travel time. Indeed, they wish to support the technologies and practices that will allow for remote work where appropriate.
They will also promise to reduce animal deaths and injuries on roads by modifying vehicles and existing roads, including wildlife infrastructure.
Moreover, they wish to cease the expansion and widening of road networks that destroy ecosystems and encourage urban sprawl and car-dependent communities.
They plan to reduce inner-city traffic by reallocating road and car park space for native habitats, cyclists, pedestrians, and social connectivity and connections with nature.
Finally, they will ensure the adoption of automated, self-driving vehicles provides a net benefit for animals and nature and does not lead to heavier road use and urban sprawl.
The AJP promises to continually raise awareness of animal interests in Parliament and ensure that consideration is given to animals in the drafting of all legislation.
Furthermore, they intend to invest in further research on relations between animals and people, exploring and highlighting the ways in which positive interactions between them can improve society. Finally, they promise to work towards a definition of personhood to replace the current property status of animals.
The AJP promises to expand opportunities for human-animal interaction in ways that benefit both. Also, they wish to expand funding for sanctuaries and wildlife rescue and rehabilitation projects. Furthermore, they intend to fund mental health programs to service the needs of those suffering trauma from their work in animal rescue, rehabilitation or advocacy. Finally, they will rapidly phase out violent industries exploiting animals which negatively impact mental health.
The Animal Justice Party wants to publicly fund education campaigns about the harms of processed meat to human health and mandate health warnings on all processed meat products, Indeed, they aim to ban the sale of processed meat in school cafeterias and hospitals. They also want to impose a deterrent tax on processed meat.
The AJP aims to significantly reduce the Australian population’s climate and ecological impact by rapidly phasing out animal agriculture and fossil fuels, among other initiatives addressing harmful consumption. Also, they will educate the public about ecological ‘overshoot’ and the negative impacts of unsustainable population growth on animals, the environment and humans.
Indeed, their plan is to create human settlements in harmony with wildlife and nature through biodiversity-sensitive urban design (BSUD), transport, and infrastructure, while stopping urban sprawl. They wish to implement the Half-Earth Project by reserving at least half of all land and sea for nature, and keep this habitat free from human interference.
Also, they support everyone’s right to an informed choice by providing age-appropriate sex education and access to free fertility control methods (e.g., contraceptives, contragestives, vasectomies).
They will increase overseas aid, including programs for the education of women and girls. Finally, they wish to promote a kind and culturally-diverse human community through tolerance, social connectivity and inclusion, and especially welcoming those in need
The AJP thinks that the government has a responsibility to provide safe, affordable, and accessible contraception and abortion services, and that no woman seeking those services should be subject to criminal charges.
Australia has a moral and a legal obligation to comply with the international treaties we have ratified. Australia has a right to apply domestic laws that establish border integrity, but this must be done in such a way that persons fleeing persecution for legitimate reasons will be protected under Australian law.
Refugees must not be prevented from accessing their rights as asylum seekers. In particular, the AJP condemns the removal and processing of those seeking asylum to countries other than those approved by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
They also believe that citizens, journalists, and NGOs must be able to observe the conditions provided for asylum seekers and displaced persons by this government and its agencies.
The AJP advocates a comprehensive animal welfare approach. This includes recognizing and respecting all animals, emphasising sentience and intelligence, referencing scientific evidence, and implementing precautionary principles. They seek consistent animal protection legislation and the humane treatment of all creatures capable of suffering. Moreover, the AJP addresses specific issues such as banning 1080, promoting non-lethal control measures, dispelling myths about bats, safeguarding flying foxes and dingoes, banning recreational shooting, ending fur farming and sales, and supporting ecological rewilding. They also emphasise invertebrate welfare, urging their inclusion under animal protection laws and the humane treatment of invertebrates without exceptions.
The AJP aims to protect and promote animal welfare in Australia. Their goals include using humane methods to control insects, ending insect collection for recreation, and opposing insect farming for human consumption. They also want to cease commercial killing of kangaroos and wallabies, educate the public about these animals, and improve related laws.
Their broader focus involves safeguarding marine animals, cleaning up oceans, and reducing underwater noise pollution. They advocate for changes in nutritional advice, support wildlife care, and minimize harm to animals. They aim to make cities safer for wildlife, prevent urban sprawl into animal habitats, and create rescue initiatives. The party also opposes live animal exports and animal racing while promoting pet adoption. They champion plant-based diets, animal protection, and ethical farming. Their overarching goal is to enhance animal welfare and ensure a more compassionate society.
The AJP advocates several measures in Australia’s animal welfare. They propose supporting non-profit volunteer-run greyhound rescue groups and redirecting funds from the racing industry into alternative careers. They call for a ban on the commercial live export of greyhounds and seek to ban horse racing, including jumps and harness racing, due to regulation difficulties. Other interim actions include prohibiting the whip, racing of horses under three years, and increasing penalties for illegal practices. They promote adoption of companion animals and require pet shops to offer rescue animals. The party aims to enforce animal protection laws, cap breeding numbers, and ensure humane animal care in facilities. Funding should be redirected to sanctuaries and conservation parks focused on animal welfare. Educational programs should emphasize the value of animals in their natural habitats.
The KAP is based on Christian values and believes in the protection of the Australian people and independence of the Australian nation. Furthermore they feel that the Australian government should develop policies that maintain and advance mixed economic growth, full employment, rising living standards, prosperity, opportunity, and equality for all Australians
KAP’s highest priority is Rural Australia. They are “sick of seeing capital cities get more than their fair share with regional Australia is expected to contribute but gets little to nothing in return”
Katter’s Australian Party believe that property owners have the right to enjoy their property.
They wish to protect Australia’s sovereignty and independence (have a defence force strong enough to deter invasion) – put Australia’s interests first in respect to agricultural land, corporations, resources and utilities.
Finally, they support those in genuine need while that need exists.
Katter’s Australian Party aims to reduce vegetation management laws. The primary foundation of a free democracy is property rights, and private ownership of property is the fundamental part of those rights. Also, they will fight for Australian Dairy Industry by introducing the Fair Milk Logo Scheme – a voluntary scheme where milk processors who bottle milk could put a ‘fair milk’ logo on bottles where they paid farmers a fair price for the milk.
KAP supports Regional Queensland and Rural and Regional Australia. They plan to create incentives for new projects, allocated supplies and royalties to mining and agriculture.
KAP promises to reduce energy prices by banning Optimised Replacement Cost valuation methodology and use Powerlink, Ergon, and Energex. Also, they will indefinitely freezing escalation of transitional tariffs. Furthermore they wish to supply Queensland gas to Queensland first. They will also reinstate the CopperString project and aid primary producers install solar pumps.
KAP has three policies. These are to make waterways safe from crocodiles, manage flying foxes, and increase the ethanol mandate by 10 per cent by 2025.
KAP intends to allow farmers to have access to category H firearms. Also, they will introduce a real time licensing system to save resources and crack down on illegal weapons.
KAP supports the first people of Australia, with plans to allow better title rights for land and an alcohol management plan.
Katter’s Australian Party promises to increase organ donation and transition away from tobacco products and towards vapes.
KAP will encourage the Townsville to Mt Isa rail to be used and upgrade key roads to increase cattle industry value. Furthermore, they aim to incorporate cattle yards and rodeo grounds across the Cape and Gulf regions. Also, they intend to seal the Hann highway to create a more direct and efficient route and encourage Australia to own the Galilee Rail Line.
Katter’s Australian Party will create an opportunity for offenders to move to a remote, approved property to work and become society members.
KAP will create North Queensland as a separate state to unleash its full potential and decrease liquor licensing prices for pubs in rural areas. Also, they promise to ensure regional councils are given a greater share via the Local Government Financial Assistance Grants.
KAP aims to level the playing field so rideshare operators comply with safe safety standards and service levels that exist for taxis.
Katter’s Australian Party will support and develop Hells Gate dam. Alongside that, they intend to construct dams in the North Burnett region to provide hundreds of millions of dollars in economic activity. Finally, they will develop irrigation in North West Queensland.
Centre Alliance believes to be the first Australians and acknowledge and respect their ongoing relationship with the land. They will consult Aboriginal people when developing Indigenous Affairs policy. This is in efforts to meet their needs. Also, they intend to provide funding to “close the gap” between Aboriginals and non-indigenous Australians and to protect Indigenous and non-indigenous land.
Centre Alliance plans to oppose the increase in the pension age while simultaneously increasing encouragement to be involved in paid or community service workforce. Also, they will cap the utility costs of living no greater than CPI. Finally, they aim to encourage and deliver affordable, comfortable, well-maintained retirement, and aged care accommodations.
Centre Alliance intends to invest in agriculture research and development organisations to improve profitability of Australian agriculture and create more transparency between agriculture companies and consumers via labels, source, and ingredient lists.
They will support Australian businesses.
Centre Alliance will create impartial watchdog over all aviation regulators. Furthermore, they wish to implement recommendations from Senate reports on aviation and safety.
Centre Alliance will enhance Early Childhood Education and provide federal funding.
They will address substance abuse as a major contributor to violence and theft, allow victims to have a greater say in plea bargaining, and increase and enhance rehabilitation programs.
Centre Alliance aims to develop emphasis on prevention of cyber bullying in schools.
Australia needs to be self-sufficient in defence resources. Centre Alliance ensures that Parliament to be involved when troops enter conflict zones to best Australia’s needs.
They will carefully evaluate NDIS to ensure maximum benefit for clients.
Centre Alliance supports school transformation to drive a new era of development and growth across the full range of expectations for 21st century learning.
They will respect and acknowledge unions in the workplace to give a voice to workers and review employment and workplace relations systems on a regular basis.
Centre Alliance promises a swift and quick transition to renewable energy sources. Furthermore, they will allow easier access to taxpayer funded research towards renewable energy and climate change. Finally, they wish to create government policies to facilitate job creating energy industries.
Centre Alliance will preserve and protect Australia’s best agricultural land. They intend to protect key environmental assets, as well as, protect groundwater from mining and coal seam gas exploration.
Also, they will create federal bodies, laws, education and funding to protect families that suffer from family violence.
Centre Alliance wishes to create incentives to invest in agriculture. Furthermore, they aim to change competition laws to allow for the break-up of companies that abuse their market power in their dealings with farmers.
Centre Alliance plans to develop foreign aid budget that represents 0.7% of Gross National Income to continue the attainment of UNs SDGs. Furthermore, they promise to continue to have Australia attain international standards as a developed country.
They will adapt New Zealand’s foreign investment laws that lowers threshold for foreign investment approval and sets clear definition of national interest and apply them to Australia. Also, they wish to promote transparency via a foreign investment register.
Centre Alliance ensures that GMOs will be labelled for transparency for consumers. Furthermore, they will impose stricter regulations to protect farmers who want their crops to remain GMO free. Finally, they intend to fund research of long-term health and environmental effects of GMOs.
Centre Alliance believes that the public has a right to expect governments will deliver services efficiently and fairly without unnecessary waste and duplication. To address this they aim to establish anti-corruption commission and whistle-blower legislation that protects informants. Furthermore, they wish to allow citizens timely access to government information and the ability to criticise the government and demand change. Finally, enhancement of Freedom of Information laws is on their list.
Centre Alliance places importance on ‘value’ over ‘price’. They will ensure Australian standards are met and the procurement is carried out to meet said standards.
Centre Alliance aims to implement a new approach to health care that focuses on prevention. Furthermore, they intend to enhance healthcare standards by reducing quantity and increasing quality. Finally, they promise to reinstate 30% private health insurance to take pressure off the public hospital system.
Centre Alliance will create a housing affordability taskforce to tackle the dilemma by reducing red tape and taxes and highlighting innovative and cost-effective building and housing concepts. Also, they will stop foreign investors from investing in the housing market.
Centre Alliance realise immigrants have played a key role in Australia’s development. Create a new visa to encourage investors to settle in areas of low population and economic growth.
They will increase funding in universities, government agencies and companies to undertake research and development to align with other countries.
Centre Alliance promises to ensure animals are treated according to Australian animal welfare standards while also processing and exporting chilled meat.
They will treat drug use as a health issue, not a criminal issue. Furthermore, Centre Alliance wishes to explore and research ways to disrupt and minimise illicit drug business models. Finally, they want to increase funding to assure better access to rehabilitation clinics.
They will increase funding for preventative mental health measures.
Centre Alliance plans to continue to allow the Fair Work Commission to determine pay and conditions. They will not allow the lowering of pay to workers in a time of low wage growth.
Centre Alliance promises to ensure Productivity Commission regularly updates gambling research. Furthermore, they plan to end micro-betting on sports events as well as sports betting ads during games. Remove ATMs from venues with poker machines.
Centre Alliance will encourage investing, tourism and immigration to regional Australia via incentives. Also, they wish to boost renewable energy in regional areas to increase manufacturing.
Centre Alliance promises to treat genuine asylum seekers with compassion and dignity. Moreover, they intend to develop assessment and depending on outcomes, individuals must return to their country of origin if safe or settle in another country with cooperation from UNHCR. Finally, they will protect whistle-blowers in this area.
Centre Alliance aims to encourage Australians to develop their own niche and/or nurture their enterprises. Furthermore, they will create tax breaks for small businesses during the first 2 years of operation. This includes payroll tax exemption for up to 15 full-time employees.
Centre Alliance plans to report on insolvency in the construction industry via the Senate Economics Committee’s recommendations. Also, they wish to create national legislation to secure payment regimes and rapid adjudication processes.
Centre Alliance will re-calibrate tax-breaks for superannuation so the greatest benefit is directed at those with the least savings while a reduced benefit is enjoyed by those with high savings.
They promise to provide resources into counter radicalisation strategies to prevent brainwashing. Furthermore, extremists that groom susceptible people for acts of violence will be put away. Finally, they will enact laws that hold terrorists to be locked up for community safety in Australia instead of sending them away to country of origin to retaliate overseas.
Centre Alliance plans to transition essential utilities (electricity, water, gas and NBN) into ownership by the public. They promise to cap utility costs at CPI.
Centre Alliance promises to fast-track storm water harvesting as opposed to desalination. They aim to acknowledge states that were early adopters of water-efficiency schemes. Also, they plan to address wasteful practices to ensure fair distribution of water across the entire system.
The JLN does not have predetermined party policies, voting on each policy legislation as it comes. Instead, they have core values that they use to determine how to vote.
The JLN support citisen access to and participation in political decisions. Furthermore, they value clear and open communication of policies. They like politicians and representatives to be available. The JLN feel politics should be transparent, particularly in funding. They will also help “regular” citisens to become active in politics.
The JLN believes in turning politics into a tool for the people, rather than the elite. They will promote citizens above donors. They want to help regular people and advocating on their behalf.
JLN strongly believes in ending corruption through scrutiny. All policies should be subject to high levels of review and scrutiny before being voted on
Rex Patrick is focused on the South Australia Region and claims that “SA needs to keep a strong and independent voice in the Senate.”
RPT will prevent the shift of 700 SA Collins Class submarine full cycle docking (deep level maintenance) jobs to WA. Furthermore, they promise to put AUD$25 million of seed funding towards the Cape Hardy Port project on the Eyre Peninsula.
RPT aims to protect the Murray-Darling river. Furthermore, they wish to protect the fishing and tourism industries by stopping drilling in the Great Australian Bight. Furthermore, they want to invest in renewables and electric vehicles.
They will reconsider the location of national radioactive waste management facility at Kimba and Hawker while properly considering and assessing the Indigenous cultural and heritage at the nominated sites.
RPT will restore the Whyalla wheel industry. Furthermore, they intend to take action on the advanced automotive industry, on energy transition, critical infrastructure and fuel security
The RPT aims to enhance integrity within the Federal Government through several key initiatives. Firstly, they propose the establishment of an anti-corruption body named the “Federal Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (ICAC)”. This is to eliminate corruption and promote ethical conduct within the government.
Additionally, the RPT advocates for the reinforcement of Australia’s Freedom of Information (FOI) system. Another vital step is the disclosure of all political donations made to political parties. To safeguard national security, the RPT suggests implementing mandatory background checks for incoming ministers. Also, the proposal advocates for complete Parliamentary oversight over intelligence operations. This is to ensure that these operations are conducted within legal and ethical boundaries.
The RPT is focused on enhancing Australia’s economic self-reliance by reducing reliance on foreign supply chains and bolstering domestic resilience. One of their key strategies involves fortifying Australia’s anti-dumping regime to prevent the influx of cheap, substandard imported goods that could saturate the market.
Furthermore, the RPT demands the Australian Government to utiliSe Australian steel in all taxpayer-funded projects, extending this requirement to projects funded through Federal grants to states and territories. Another crucial aspect of their proposal is the insistence that both Federal and State governments consider the comprehensive economic and social advantages of choosing Australian providers when procuring goods and services. Additionally, the RPT advocates for a ban on the importation of hazardous, low-quality cladding materials, instead supporting local building material manufacturers. They also emphasise the importance of encouraging value-added activities within Australia, suggesting a shift from exporting raw materials to engaging in domestic production processes. This approach includes manufacturing steel from locally sourced iron ore and producing batteries from lithium, fostering economic growth and sustainability within the country.
The RPT are keen on enhancing bushfire preparedness, emphasizing the importance of having a well-thought-out plan in place and committing to achieving “Net zero by 2050” to combat climate change. To bolster these efforts, they are pushing for increased investments in renewable energy systems, encompassing generation and storage technologies.
Furthermore, they stress the necessity of developing essential infrastructure, encouraging businesses to actively participate in the global electric vehicle supply chain, and ensuring that Australia not only consumes but also produces in this sector. A key aspect of their proposal involves establishing local and micro grids, incorporating localized generation, storage, and distribution systems to enhance energy efficiency.
Additionally, the RPT aims to revamp the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) significantly, creating new binding and enforceable National Environmental Standards to strengthen environmental conservation measures. Lastly, they are promoting investments in clean and renewable energy sources, underlining the importance of sustainable practices for the nation’s future.
RPT will take action against the genocide happening to Uyghur peoples in re-education camps in China. Also, they will fight to ban goods produced by Uyghur forced labour. The RPT stands with the Uyghur community in Australia.
Finally, they wish to help the Robodebt victims.
The LDP advocates for the immediate cessation of all government-mandated COVID restrictions. Their demands encompass a wide range of measures, including the uninterrupted operation of schools, a commitment to avoiding future lockdowns, and the allowance of peaceful protests. The party emphasises the voluntary nature of vaccines and calls for an end to mask mandates.
They also insist on facilitating Australians’ return home by eliminating border closures and travel restrictions. Additionally, the LDP demands the removal of contact tracing and QR codes, as well as the discontinuation of social distancing and mandatory self-isolation requirements. They are calling for a comprehensive investigation into Australia’s COVID response and urge the termination of “emergency powers” currently in place.
The LDP will make recall elections available, voting voluntary, and enable a citizens’ veto of any legislation.
The LDP plan involves an immediate 10% reduction in funding to all federal departments, with the exception of Defence. Furthermore, they advocate for an annual 1% reduction in funding to all departments (excluding Defence) until the Commonwealth debt is completely paid off. To streamline government operations, they aim to eliminate duplicate departments, thus enhancing efficiency.
Additionally, the LDP plans to defund public broadcasters ABC and SBS, abolish what they perceive as overly paternalistic advertising campaigns, and remove subsidies for renewable energy sources. They intend to cut down on bureaucratic processes by eliminating tax and welfare-related redundancies. Politicians’ salaries would face a 10% reduction, and the party advocates for the cessation of taxpayer funding for politics.
The LDP want a $40,000 tax-free threshold and a flat-rate 20% income tax for individuals and businesses above $40,000.
The LDP proposes to make superannuation voluntary. Furthermore, they intend to simplify the superannuation industry and promise there will be no more increases to default superannuation rates
The RPT will reduce the number of regulations for business. Furthermore, they plan to remove retail trading hour restrictions. Moreover, they want to freeze and decentralise the minimum wage. Also, they will relax occupational licensing and certification. They intend to abolish the Renewable Energy Target, scrapping all associated regulations. They want to constrain the excess of government agencies. Indeed, they wish to make it easier to start a business. They will reform employment law. In fact, they intend to remove implicit government guarantees of financial institutions. Finally, they will classify cryptocurrency as a currency.
The RPT promises to abolish government ownership and regulation of energy. They want certainty for the energy industry. In fact, they want to abolish the renewable and net-zero emissions target. They will repeal the blanket ban on nuclear energy in Australia. Indeed, they intend to lift state government bans on uranium mining. Furthermore, they want to make regulations on nuclear energy fair and consistent. Finally, they aim to create safe nuclear waste storage facilities.
The RPT will allow schools to opt out of the National Curriculum. Furthermore, they will end centralised testing such as NAPLAN. Also, they will fund students and not institutions. Moreover, they will allow new and innovative business models in education. Also, they will encourage home education co-ops. Finally, they believe there should be competition among young universities and HECS-style delayed payment systems.
The RPT will enact a free speech constitutional amendment: “Parliament shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Furthermore, they want to abolish Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, and all similar legislation. Also, they wish to stop internet censorship. Finally, they aim to encourage a free and open internet.
The RPT will end digital identity laws and mass surveillance laws. They will stop government hacking and seizure. In fact, they promise the devolution of surveillance laws to states and territories. They intend to stop the collection of metadata. Also, they demand warrants for targeted surveillance of individual Australians. Indeed, they will aim for no cash bans. Moreover, they will stop attacks on encryption. They intend to focus government on improving its own cyber security.
Finally, they promise to free Julian Assange.
Congratulations. You have now the information you need to be a thrivable voter and participate in thrivable voting!
If you’ve reached this far, you probably want to know more about the THRIVE framework and our methodology.
In fact, the THRIVE Framework Systemic Holistic Model covers the factors that we consider when performing this evaluation. Furthermore, there are 12 Foundational Focus Factors, divided into four areas.
Our policy evaluation thus examines the key policies in relation to these areas.
What is the issue and what does it impact? Focus factors to consider for this section include:
Materiality – The material impacts of economical, environmental, social, and governance issues on stakeholders.
Multi capital – Consider financial, plant and equipment, intellectual property, human capital, social relationships with community and primary stakeholders, and renewable and non-renewable natural environmental resources.
Integrated thinking – Measure how it creates value by bringing together the strategy, governance, performance, and prospects to reflect the profit-making, social, and environmental context within which an entity operates.
How big is the issue? Where does it fit into the bigger picture? Focus factors include:
Entity model – Select the trajectory of change by having a clear, concise understanding of the relevant limits and exclusions.
Strong Sustainability – Emphasise transformations that protect, maintain, or enhance natural resources.
Complex Wicked Problems – Focus fearlessly on problems or symptoms with multiple clear or hidden causes that are also difficult or impossible to solve; expect to fine-tune solutions as some problems are apt to become worse as solutions are implemented.
The changes that need to happen to bring us into the thrivable zone. Focus factors include:
Values based – Our thrivable zone is based on our core values. : Shift from an economical approach to creating products or services in consideration of a moral and ethical responsibility to maximise economic, ecological, and social impacts.
Linear to Circular – Changing behavioural patterns to reuse materials and reduce waste. Shift from traditionally linear (take, make, waste) to circular (reduce, reuse, recycle) economic concepts.
Trans-Disciplinary – Factoring in the different disciplines that relate to the issue. Collaborate with people from all relevant specialties to achieve universal goals.
What is the scale of the situation? How do we measure this? Indeed the scale is about understanding relationship.
Science-Based Targets – To comprehend the world around us, we need to establish science-based goals. In fact, this involves gathering evidence through experiments and making observations, which are then transformed into testable theories. Furthermore, mitigation strategies should be logically sound, measurable, and easily explained through clear and analytical reasoning.
Finite Resources – Resources are either renewable or non-renewable. For a thrivable world it is vital to transition to renewables.
Context-Based Metrics – Is about measuring sustainability relative to the context an entity is operating in.
Sustainability matters! THRIVE is The Holistic Regenerative Innovative Value Entity. Furthermore, THRIVE consists of a framework, platform and Sustainability Performance Scorecard to help people and organisations analyse and improve their strategies for a Thriveable Future. To have our Thrivable Future it is important to vote with the concept of thrivable voting foremost in the mind.