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Measuring Corporate Sustainability Accounting

Corporate sustainability accounting is a necessary tool to measure environmental, social, economic, and governance performance of enterprises; particularly multinational enterprises in line with sustainability.

Escaping the homeland

Every human being on the Earth has the right to spend their lives according to their choices and with freedom.

Greenhouse gases. Is it just a lot of hot air?

What are Greenhouse Gases? How do they work? Over the past decade, environmental awareness has drastically increased, it has made mainstream news, our social media feeds, billboards and lunchtime discussions.

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals, also known as SDGs, are the globe’s most exceptional plan to ensure the longevity of life on Earth and consists of 17 sustainable goals in the pursuit to build a better world for people and our planet by 2030.

Unpredictable Plastics

How the production and use of plastic is a great example of unintended consequences in sustainability.